Birthing of Bioregional Learning Centers :: A Learning Journey

Joe Brewer
4 min readDec 2, 2023


One of our great challenges in the world today is learning how to live in place as part of the tapestry of living systems. In the midst of accelerating breakdown and collapse, our education systems are grossly inadequate to the context we are in now. It is time to re-imagine human existence as place-based expressions of unique culture and ecology — or said another way, we need to become bioregional.

The Design School for Regenerating Earth was created to support learning exchanges within and among landscapes where regenerative work is being done on the ground. We are now ready to host our first learning journey dedicated to the theory and practice of birthing bioregional learning centers — living tapestries of education that help people become part of the creative expression of life-serving-life at holistic scales.

We will begin this 12-week journey on January 16th, 2024* with a series of bi-weekly webinars and design sessions about how to regenerate entire bioregions with a special focus on the design and creation of bioregional learning centers.

Update* :: The learning journey is rescheduled to begin on March 19th, 2024

The learning journey will continue for six months — exploring topics related to how regeneration can be done at the scale of an entire bioregion. Together we will explore how to map local projects, deeply learn how to belong and live sustainably in place, create collaborative funding structures, and give birth to models of governance that are appropriate to the bioregions we inhabit.

(click here)

Simply join the Design School for $50 and you will receive a one-year community membership* and access to join this learning journey. Our approach is to build community and provide a diversity of learning supports. By enrolling today, you will get to join people from all over the world who want to help regenerate the Earth.

We are already actively helping create bioregional learning centers in Colombia, the Great Lakes, Cascadia, and the Colorado Basin — with burgeoning activities in the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. This is a truly planetary effort to learn how to regenerate the Earth!

Bi-Weekly Schedule for the Learning Journey

By signing up for this learning journey you gain access to a variety of additional offerings in the Design School. We will follow a bi-weekly schedule with a webinar and discussion session every other week.

Participants can also attend Design School Updates, Bioregional Updates from the landscapes associated with the school, a variety of Bioregional Learning Exchanges, several different Self-Guided Learning Journeys related to bioregional design, and the Inner Space where we cultivate our capacities for regenerative leadership.

The webinars will be held live on Tuesdays at 11:30 AM Central for an hour. They are recorded for those who may not be able to attend live or if participants want to review them later. Discussion sessions last 90 minutes and will be held on Thursdays at 11:30 AM Central.

We may open additional times for discussion sessions if we have people joining us in other time zones. Our intention will be to do our best to accommodate all who might like to join regardless of location on Earth.

Learn more about bioregional learning centers in this 10-minute video and see how they relate to value flows for bioregional investment platforms in this video.

*A one-year membership to the Design School costs $50. We have structured this course so that the learning journey is free for all members of the school. Your membership will auto-renew one year after it begins and you can unsubscribe at any time.



Joe Brewer

I am a change strategist working on behalf of humanity, and also a complexity researcher, cognitive scientist, and evangelist for the field of culture design.