Regenerating the Willamette Valley of Oregon?

Joe Brewer
Sep 28, 2023


Look at how massive the deforestation is in Oregon.

This is the Willamette Valley that stretches from Portland to the north (left in this image) to Eugene in the south (on the right).

What would it take to regenerate this massive area? How differently must people think about their relationships with land? What kinds of economic activities would make sense if life was treated as sacred?

Questions like these will guide our #RegenerateCascadia tour that begins on Sunday. Penny Heiple and I arrive in Seattle tonight and meet with the organizing team tomorrow morning.

We will enter the Columbia River Gorge for several days of events starting Sunday, then go on to Eugene later next week and Portland the following weekend.

Our journey takes us through the Willamette Valley.

Join us by going to

Onward, fellow humans.



Joe Brewer

I am a change strategist working on behalf of humanity, and also a complexity researcher, cognitive scientist, and evangelist for the field of culture design.