Joe Brewer
2 min readApr 12, 2016


That’s an excellent question (that goes beyond the scope of my article — a nice extension of it). ;-)

For one thing, we need to get away from interest-bearing, fiat currencies. What I mean by this is that when MONEY = DEBT as it does now, the money supply is required to grow just to keep the house of cards from collapsing. In the current system, new money is created when loans are issued that need to be paid back with interest.

So it’s not simply about how the “collective we” takes back money that is rightfully ours (as part of the heritage of living on this planet). We also need to replace the existing monetary system with another one that is based on ecology and physics.

Now to your question more directly, there will need to be a convergence of social movements that sweep across the governments of the world. Think of the Syriza Party in Greece last year or the Arab Spring of a few years back — both were successful in the short term at the national scale, and but were quickly co-opted or countered by financial interests at the larger-than-nation scale. We are seeing the growth in capacity and maturity of direct democratic actions (orchestrated across time and space using a mixture of traditional organizing and the use of online media) that demonstrates how it is possible for many social movements to hold their governments accountable and begin the process of dismantling this planetary-scale wealth hoarding scheme.

It will be essential to put in place strong measure for accountability and transparency. Technologies like the block chain used in BitCoin (that create a public ledger of all transactions and use cryptography to secure the system) will be helpful for achieving this. But they are only a piece of the puzzle in their own right.

I have much more to say on this topic… to be continued in future posts.



Joe Brewer

I am a change strategist working on behalf of humanity, and also a complexity researcher, cognitive scientist, and evangelist for the field of culture design.