Blooming Late is Better Than Never

Joe Montoya
2 min readJul 3, 2015


This is me a few weeks ago surfing at my local beach break. I started surfing 5 years ago after I was told I was doing a great job of working myself towards an early grave. I’m a workaholic, and “working hard” has been my mindset since my youth. I remember convincing myself not to take art classes in high school and college because I didn’t think it was “real” work nor a good way to make a living.

Yet, although buried under busy-ness for decades, there is a creative side of me that is determined to bloom and keep blooming. Blooming at middle age is still blooming, and blooming late is better than never. This creative side surfs because he likes to look at the expanse of the ocean and dream. This creative side takes pictures because he likes to capture images of this world and attach words to tell stories. This creative side writes little poems and make believe tales because he believes his expression needs to be shared. This creative side is me.

So I’m not 24 anymore and still fresh out of college, but I feel like one. Who figures that stuff out at that age anyways? I didn’t. Some may think, “Well, it’s just timing,” and I say, “Maybe so, but I’ve been thinking of writing since I was a sophomore in college and today 50 is just around the corner.”

You may have told yourself before, “Don’t take your dreams with you to the grave,” and I agree! Do something about it! Go on and put together that art studio in the garage that you have put off for years. Take that dance class. Sign up for that 5K. Register for that photography class.

If you are decades younger than me, then don’t waste your head start. Being an early bloomer or late bloomer isn’t the focus. Just be a bloomer. Blooming late is better than never.

(Photo by Dave Peeters. Thanks Dave)



Joe Montoya

Currently, I have been consistently inconsistent. During the day, I deliver flowers for my wife’s shop and take pics with my iPhone.