An insight to one of the most disabling disease: What is ms?

Joe Baptista
5 min readJun 14, 2017


Fatigue, lack of balance, pain, cognitive and visual disturbances, as well as difficulty in speech and tremors are some of the multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms. Over 2.3 million individuals around the world have this disease which is one of the most common autoimmune diseases regarding the central nervous system, and it is most common among the young population. There are a lot of enigmas surrounding this affliction; however, our knowledge of it advances unstoppably and more and more data we know in detail about it.

A better explanation of Multiple sclerosis…

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory, chronic, and also autoimmune illness of unknown cause that characteristically affects the myelin sheath of axons within the central nervous system, the degree of destruction of the myelin sheath and axons is highly variable. The immune system’s damage to the myelin sheath is caused by an incorrect identification of it as “strange,” which causes it to be attacked as an agent harmful to our body by the immune system. These myelin sheath attacks vary in intensity and severity, ranging from inflammation to total sheath and axon loss, resulting in the replacement of healthy tissue by scar tissue, also called “sclerosis”.

Actually, the so called Multiple Sclerosis it really is a term for “many scars.” Nerve signals quickly pass through the axon with her protective myelin mantle. When myelin is damaged, messages that travel along the nerve fibers are interrupted, so that: messages may be slower, distorted, short-circuited, or not completely pass, having as consequence symptoms of MS. Symptoms may vary based on whether partial or complete interruptions occur, often symptoms appear and disappear, although in other cases they may last for a longer time or even just end up being permanent.

So then, what do we know about multiple sclerosis?

AMultiple Sclerosis causes damages inside the myelin, which is the main element that protects the prolongations of neurons. Plus, myelin is very important to human body since it can help the neurons to communicate each other.

B These lesions, or plaques, are caused by accumulations of inflammatory cells that penetrate the nervous system and attack the myelin, destroy it and can interrupt transmission between neurons.

C Depending on the degree of injury, the lack of communication between neurons may be transient that happens for a while and then recovered or in contrast, permanent.

D When the lesions take place, the patient can show an extensive number of discomforts, such as impaired sensitivity, loss of strength, or balance, vision problems and fatigue. Although they may also become clinically unnoticed.

E The old plates, lacking in cells, remain as “scars” in the nervous system.

In other words…

Multiple sclerosis alters the common performance of the elements such as spinal cord and brain, leading to the loss of physical and cognitive capabilities. At the same time, this is a degenerative illness besides of inflammatory in which the immune system destroys myelin, a coating that protects nerve fibers, which affects the conduction of electrical impulses to and from the brain.

Damage to the nerve is caused by inflammation and these injuries are what produce several of the symptoms of MS, such as blurred vision, numbness, and pain in many areas of the body, dizziness, fatigue and cognitive modifications.

Nowadays, science and technology have helped many investigators to discover more about this disabling disease and what are it causes. Although it is not quiet understood what is their triggered cause, there are some kind of factors which can help us to comprehend what people must do when is suffering it. The most accepted theory is that there are two possible causes that together can trigger the disease:

A Genetic factors: certain information that appears in the genes and that can determine a predisposition to contract the disease. That is certainly many individuals could possibly get the disease much more quickly than others, without knowing at the minute specifically what genes are engaged.

B Environmental factors: viruses, vaccines, etc., that can trigger the disease in predisposed people. It is unknown what these factors are accurately.

Who Does Multiple Sclerosis Affect?

This disease can occur at any stage of life and in both sexes, although it is more frequent in women and among the young adult population. It is also more prevalent in the white race and non-existent among some ethnic groups.

About 20% of patients with MS have at least one relative affection of the same disease. The risk is higher in first-degree relatives and decreases to a lower degree of kinship. For example, the lifetime risk for a sister of a woman suffering from the disease is 5%, a figure that is low in absolute terms but 50 times higher than the general population, which is 0.05 to 0.1%.

However, this does not necessary means that it can be a contagious or hereditary disease. As already mentioned, most medical professionals believe that there would be a genetic predisposition, which may be common to several members of a family, and environmental triggers that favor the onset of the disease in those exposed members.

Treatments to improve patients’ quality of life: It can be MS cured?

Sadly, there is certainly any type of cure for the illness. However, thanks to the medial technology progression, several drugs have been found that are effective in their treatment, slowing the development of the disease and fighting its symptoms. There are a variety of ways to treat multiple sclerosis, but they all focus on treating the general symptoms of the disease. At present, our company provides a treatment based on stem cells that fight against symptoms that develops through multiple sclerosis. Our treatment is applied indefinitely, and consists of oral therapies based on ampoules and capsules for patients who have already been diagnosed with the disease.

Once patients are stabilized, they can make their lives as normal as possible. Besides our stem cells therapy is non-invasive, which means that patients continue having a normal life while are taking the treatment since it can be administrated in the comfort of patient’s choice. Our company truly understand the concept of what is ms and how it can affect your life, so our goal is to reduce symptoms as well as stopping the affliction progression since stem cells can divide and regenerated themselves into new cells for repairing the damage. Our staff members will be happy to assist you, so call us or write us via email if you have any inquires.



Joe Baptista

I am a professional content writer. I have 10+ years of experience in web content writing on various topics such as publishing and editing services in USA, Indi