How much does it cost to build an app? The biggest question in the app development world

Joe Baptista
3 min readJan 12, 2017


In today’s world, the mobile revolution may have upended how we live, buy and communicate, therefore most companies are expanding themselves by creating their own mobile applications. In fact, many businesses and startups are starting to develop their own mobile program. By having a mobile app for your business can be a game changing marketing tool to drive traffic and revenues. The online marketing can give you many benefits from providing online information to your customers.

And so, if you want to capture the attention and wallets of customers, your mobile application must be better and more engaging than the one your competition offer. However, many companies think that developing an software is very expensive, but the good news is that it is not as expensive as you may have thought. It is important for you to know that if you know what type of program you want to develop it can save you money and time.

Then, how much does it cost to make an app? Well, developing applications may cost you from $150,000 to $500,000 and it all depends on certain factors such as who builds it and the type of characteristics a program for android and iOS may require.

On the other hand, it is important for you to know that by hiring our team of dedicated and professional app developers you will have the best price of the market based on the features and functionalities of your applications ideas. In addition, by developing mobile app ideas you let your customers and employees enjoy the benefits of connecting with you (and each other), which means that they are treated with extra care as they have been interesting in creating a closer relationship with your business.

In other words, they can be converted into loyal customers by offering customized rewards and treatment. At the same time, by creating iOS and Android software ideas you can make possible for your customers to collect their rewards via your mobile app. As a result, you will have more downloads and more return customers. Besides, a mobile application for your business also can greatly contribute to your brand awareness.

However, many companies do not know Ideas for Apps but for our app developers’ team is not a problem. Since our mobile software developers’ team is very experience and capable of managing the app developing tools, they can build an advance, successful and scalable app. I you want to be the company that is ahead of the game when it comes to taking your company to the next level, you have to develop your app idea.

One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile app is that all the information you would like to provide to your customers is right at the comfort of their mobile devices. And so therefore, being in the right way of app development can be an advantage to your company since you may increase your profits and traffic.

App Development
Read more information about how much it cost to build an app, and to know more about our app development services.



Joe Baptista

I am a professional content writer. I have 10+ years of experience in web content writing on various topics such as publishing and editing services in USA, Indi