Knowing all about the different types of multiple sclerosis treatment: What you should do and not doing

Joe Baptista
5 min readMay 19, 2017


After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), treatment becomes our best ally.

The choice of this treatment , which currently may only work better for the Recurrent-progressive form of the disease, is a moment of great importance in which the neurologist and the patient himself must do their part to find the most appropriate and best suited to the conditions of each case. And despite the great advances of recent years, there is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis. MS is a chronic disease that, once developed, people suffer it through all their life. But, is there a hope of healing? Of course. Researchers are increasingly familiar with multiple sclerosis and place special emphasis on achieving a therapy that may help repair the central nervous system damage.

Talking a little bit about MS, which is a chronic degenerative disease of nerves in your brain and spine, caused by a demyelination process.

Myelin is an insulating substance found around the cells of our brain, precisely in the central nervous. So, when the myelin is destroyed because of a self-destructive process in our own body or because of an autoimmune condition, the communication between those nerves deteriorates over time, and as a result, we can experience a large number of symptoms as a consequence, such as: muscular weakness, imbalance or loss of coordination, astigmatism and loss of vision as well as shaking chills. MS may progress steadily or acute attacks may occur, followed by temporary remission of symptoms.

29 years ago began to treat multiple sclerosis, we can talk about innovation and improvement in the quality of life of patients with oral treatments and therapies with stem cells. Although the cure does not yet exist, the injections that some years ago were the only alternative treatment, are not the only ones. Oral treatments are this breakthrough that has come to generate more attachment to the treatment of multiple sclerosis, and besides are more effective for their components as well. In addition, more and more drugs are currently available to treat the disease, to reduce the number and severity of outbreaks, and thus to reduce the onset of long-term neurological disability. This has allowed the diagnosis of MS today to have nothing to do with receiving the same diagnosis twenty years ago. The vast majority of patients continue walking and leave many years after diagnosis. In addition, most of those affected can continue with their professional activity without any impact. However, like diabetics, people affected will have to learn to coexist with a chronic disease.

Medical advances have made it possible to find ways to prevent outbreaks and slow the progression of the disease. Besides, with oral treatment, the outbreaks decrease as well as its symptoms. One of the advantages of oral treatments that use stem cells, is that they are targeted treatments, their function is to attack the cells that produce the damage to the myelin. There are different types of treatments for MS as well as pharmacological treatments that can serve to alleviate and delay the progression of the disease. Immunomodulators are well known treatments to try to stimulate the activity of immune cells. On average, they decrease 30% of the frequency of the outbreaks. Immunopressors are used exclusively when the disease is severe. More aggressive, generate serious undesirable effects so they are prescribed in small doses.

Some of these medications also include, corticosteroids to reduce the severity of the outbreaks, analgesics in cases of pain or immunosuppressant to alter the course of the disease and reduce the level of deterioration. Moreover, diet plays one of the most important roles in the treatment of this disease. The ideal is a high quality food and good nutrition. Patients should eat whole and fresh foods, eliminate consumption of pasteurized dairy, sugar and wheat, as well as all processed foods and increase consumption of key vitamins and minerals.

Also, as a patient you must eliminate alcohol intake, stop smoking, do not abuse medications and not have a proper rest, since all these habits do not allow a good absorption of nutrients and wear the defenses system of the body. At the same time, exercise is an ideal support for the cure of this condition. Swimming is probably the greatest exercise routine to support the nervous mechanism to recover, however, other types of exercises can be performed which will help maintain good oxygenation of the brain and neurons. On the other hand, MS, which is characterized by neurological signs caused by nerve tissue damage, make a severe disability in patients. Stem cell therapy has been shown to help reverse the disability and help improve mobility as well as mortality.

Unlike treatments that have only been shown to reduce acute inflammatory episodes and only show a very slight slowing down of the disease, stem cell research has actually produced an improvement and reversal of the patient’s disability.

So it is very important for you as a caregiver or patient to know that, you can take advantage of a stem cells therapy which is available right away to administrate in the comfort of your house. Our company offers a complete therapy made with stem cells inside capsules and blisters making in a non-invasive treatment. This multiple sclerosis treatment can help to repair the nerves’ damage since the stem cells can regenerate the damage in the cells. However you must take into account the progressive damage is very hard to be reverse, but it can help you to reduce symptoms like anxiety and depression. Be one of the patients that benefit themselves with this kind of treatment that can help you to get back the control of your life as well as the control of your own body. Do not wait and please contact us for more information, you can write us via email or phone number, and our staff will be pleasure to answer you.



Joe Baptista

I am a professional content writer. I have 10+ years of experience in web content writing on various topics such as publishing and editing services in USA, Indi