MS pain: One of the most disabling symptoms in patients

Joe Baptista
5 min readApr 24, 2017


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is disease or condition that have an impact in the nervous system, and it consists of the brain, optic nerves as well as spinal cord.

Multiple sclerosis impacts women two times as often as men, and also the precise cause is not known. Moreover, it is usually diagnosed in early adulthood, and most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50. However, it can also occur in adolescence or even in early childhood. This condition is a neurological disease whose symptoms cover very wide fields. The patient may suffer alterations in sensitivity, visual impairment, gait abnormalities, decreased leg strength, poor balance and some tremor. Much of this symptomatology is very limiting for the individual. At the same time, MS is a sickness with unpredictable signs that could fluctuate in high intensity. Although some individuals experience numbness as well as fatigue, extreme cases associated with MS can produce paralysis, decreased visual field, along with diminished brain function.

This is the reason why a prompt diagnosis is very important since it can be treated as soon as possible to improve the patient’s quality of life. Treatments with stem cells is one of the basic pillars in the management of multiple sclerosis. So, there are numerous symptoms that can occur when you have Multiple Sclerosis. At the outset, outbreaks in the form of any of these symptoms occur more often and the patient recovers from them more quickly. Sometimes the disease takes a long time to show symptoms. Most people with multiple sclerosis experience more than one symptom and, although there are some very common ones, each patient usually presents a combination of several of them.

The main symptoms of multiple sclerosis are tiredness, double or blurred vision, speech problems, tremor in the hands, weakness in limbs, loss of strength or tenderness in any part of the body, vertigo or lack of balance, tingling sensation or numbness, Urinary control problems and difficulty walking or coordinating movements. Moreover, when it comes to MS some patients also experience some kind of pain. The ms pain affects a high percentage of patients and its pathophysiology is unknown. This symptom is frequent in patients with this pathology and, although it has not been taken into account in numerous occasions, it has recently been recognized as a factor that can seriously affect the quality of life in subjects with this condition.

About 55 percent of multiple sclerosis patients report “clinically significant” pain at some point during the disease process, and pain with MS is twice as common in women as in men. It may be acute or chronic, and may be neuropathic — which means it is caused by malfunctioning neurons — or have another cause. Neuropathic pain is the most common type of pain in MS and is caused by demyelination in the course of the disease itself. For instance, trigeminal neuralgia is a type of acute neuropathic pain. At the same time, patients with this disease can also experience a type of pain called Allodynia. The Allodynia is usually a short-term problem and it is also inside of the neuropathic category.

This is a particular type of sensory symptom, which occurs as a consequence of a stimulus that generates pain, such as the touch of a person or even when clothes or sheets touch the skin. It is stimulus-dependent and only lasts while the stimulus is present. However, the pain of multiple sclerosis can be felt in strange places. One of the strangest symptoms related to pain is EM “hugging” or feeling band-girdle. Up to 75% of people with MS experience this pain as a symptom, and it is a type of pain that can appear and disappear over the course of several weeks, ranging from an annoying pressure to extreme pain. Sometimes it affects the chest or waist. Sometimes it is localized mostly on one side, and at other times it can be wrapped around all over the torso. Moreover, it can be felt anywhere on the torso, from the waist to the shoulders; located (in a small area) or surrounding the body; intermittent or constant; the patient can feel a very sharp pain, dull pain, burning pain, tingling, tingling, crushing sensation or constriction or intense pressure.

Nonetheless, therapies that interfere with the MS process (even if they do not cure the disease) can be an expectation for the future. Nowadays, there are effective treatments that are very useful in the control of outbreaks to improve patients’ live condition. When symptoms progress, it can be used stem cells therapy which can reduce the time and severity of the attack. This kind of treatments are possible for people who suffer from relapse-remission or do not have a much progressed conditions. The stem cells have the capacity to reproduce themselves so they can act directly on the damage ones to reduce symptoms.

Our company offer to eve patient a treatment made with stem cells that is not invasive and can help the patient to diminish neurological problems such as the muscle stiffness. This kind of treatments can also help the patient to improve the weakness presenting after each outbreak. The stem cells therapy that we offer is make of ampoules and capsules for a better administration. The goal of our treatment is to improve the life quality of the patient by reducing symptoms such as pain, which is can interfere with an MS patient’s ability to work or perform other activities, and can cause great emotional distress. In this case, it is both fundamental psychological and emotional support for the sick person and his family and environment. Feel free to contact us for more information to our phone number or to our emails and we will be happy to assist you.



Joe Baptista

I am a professional content writer. I have 10+ years of experience in web content writing on various topics such as publishing and editing services in USA, Indi