Stem cells treatment: A better for to improve the multiple sclerosis life expectancy

Joe Baptista
4 min readMar 14, 2017


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative and very serious disease that affects much of the central nervous system, and that must be treated from the moment the first symptom appears. Therefore, you must pay attention to all the signs and know your body and its functioning. MS usually is detected after a first outbreak of the disease. The symptoms of this first outbreak are very varied but among the most easily recognizable are tingling, weakness, lack of coordination (ataxia), visual disturbances, muscle rigidity, speech disorders (dysarthria) and unstable walking. Therefore, the first step to do is to consult a neurologist if you present some of this signs. However, not all patients manifest all symptoms at the same time. And so, the diagnosis to know if you live with this disease is a little complex, because there is no specific test to detect it.

It is estimated that 10% of people who might have multiple sclerosis actually have another disease that resembles it. The most commonly confused conditions are: multiple strokes, brain infections, inflammation of the blood vessels, lupus and vitamin deficiency. On the other hand, the age of MS beginning is wide, the range is between 20–40 years. Approximately 10% of all affected individuals suffer from MS-chronic progression without relapse of the initial symptoms. This is known as the principal intensifying condition of MS. In this type of MS, the symptoms progressively gather as time passes. When new symptoms of discrete attacks appear, they are called the relapsing forms of MS. Between attacks, symptoms may disappear altogether. But patients need to face permanent nerve troubles, specifically as the disease progresses.

Most MS patients do not become a severe disability, but quality of life may be adversely affected. In the past, MS was believed to reduce life expectancy. Over the past 40 years, it has been recognized that in the general population, the reductions of patients’ life expectancy have a tendency to be linked to progressed impairment, advance course of the condition, and related complications. In addition, the prognosis depends on the patient’s age, sex, general mental and physical health, type of illness, specific symptoms of the person, symptoms of the initial phase and degree of disability experienced by the person as time progresses.

The progression of MS in patients may not be exactly predictable, but it is observed that the life expectancy of people with the disease is almost the same as that of the healthy people. For almost all people with this disease, multiple sclerosis life expectancy is about 35 years after the onset of symptoms. It is observed that when the symptoms of MS are detected at an earlier age, the disease progresses very slowly. In 10% of people, the disease is progressive primary initial and life expectancy will not be significantly affected. Nonetheless, individually it is very difficult to know the prognosis, since multiple sclerosis is a disease with great variability. In general, it rarely shortens the patient’s life.

After 15 years of evolution, 30% of the patients can lead independent and active labor, and about 50% require some kind of ambulatory assistance. It is important for you to know that, some patients with MS Have a benign form of the disease and never suffer from neurological disability. Besides, as our ability to effectively treat MS and its symptoms continues to progress, people with the disease can expect to live to an advanced age. Although this is a disease without a cure, the life expectancy of people affected by MS has doubled, plus their quality of life has improved considerably thanks to medical treatments such as cellular therapy and psycho-social measures.

Moreover, small self-help groups and associations of people with MS have been very important. And so, thanks to scientific advances in the field of genetics, MS research has progressed enormously; the studies have allowed to clarify the mechanisms that produce the destruction of the myelin, and the attempts to achieve a causal treatment have been multiplied. For instance, the use of stem cells in patients with MS have been very important since it has the ability to repair the damage in the myelin sheath. In other words, a cell therapy is a treatment that replaces diseased or diseased tissues with stem cells without damage or disease. At the same time, the stem cells have the ability to divide (self-duplicate) and also the potential to develop as any of many types of cells that fix the human body, like organs’ cells. This cells serve as wells as a type of internal restoration, dividing and differentiating to replenish useless or destroyed cells.

Is for this reason that, our company counts with a non-invasive stem cells treatment for every patient with MS. The possibilities to improve your quality of life through rehabilitation therapy and the stem cell pharmacological treatment can help you control the progression of the disease and its possible symptoms. The treatment can be combined with other drugs and therapies as well with a good nutrition. Our treatment, is aimed to modifying the evolution of the disease, alleviating its symptoms and rehabilitating the patient. Moreover, the therapy can reduce duration and severity of the inflammation in outbreaks or relapses. Remember that the well-being as well as the health care of your beloved family and friends is important, and likewise the stem cells are important since they could one day prolong and greatly increase their or your own life. Call us or write us for more information and we will assist you.



Joe Baptista

I am a professional content writer. I have 10+ years of experience in web content writing on various topics such as publishing and editing services in USA, Indi