Announcing my departure as Partner from Perot Jain

Joe Beard
2 min readApr 27, 2020

When I joined Perot Jain in 2015, my goal was to build a unique venture capital firm that leveraged the successful business platforms of our two founders. Ross Perot, Jr. and Anurag Jain entrusted me with their brands and business reputations and empowered me to build something special. Their simple advice of “keep your word” and “do the right thing” made navigating daily decisions very easy since I joined the firm. I am extremely grateful for the mentorship and guidance they have provided.

The analogy of flying an airplane and building it at the same time could never be truer. In less than 5 years we grew our portfolio to over 40 companies and became one of the most active early stage venture firms in Texas. We have reviewed thousands of companies and developed amazing partnerships and relationships all around the globe. The ride has been thrilling, bumpy and inspirational — everything I could ask for! I am proud of what our team has accomplished and thankful for the accolades we have received along the way.

I have always seen the opportunity to partner with founders on their entrepreneurial journeys as a privilege. The commitment, passion and perseverance I have been fortunate to witness on a daily basis is truly inspiring. I am thankful to our portfolio companies for trusting us and more personally for contributing to my growth as an investor. I have learned a tremendous amount and have hopefully been able to impart a fraction of this value to our founders in return.

When we look back in five years, we are going to realize that there were 10 to 20 amazing companies that were started that changed the world and led us to a brighter future. Ask yourself: “Why Not Me” or “Why Not Us”. Now is your time. The world is waiting.
- Mark Cuban

The next chapter in my journey has been calling me for some time. I have developed a unique and diverse skill set by means of some amazing mentors and professional opportunities throughout the years. I feel like I would have wasted all that I have been given if I didn’t pour EVERYTHING into the opportunity I am creating. Why not me? Now is my time. Stay tuned! In the meantime, “be a good person” and be safe!


Joe Beard



Joe Beard

CEO @CollateralEdge | Investor | Recovering Investment Banker | Husband | Dad to 4