This week, I turned 26…

Joseph F. Beasley, Jr.
2 min readJan 14, 2018

We’ve all been there before, “I’m gonna get my life together. For real, this time.” From money, to family, or even mental health issues, shit, I like to call these things, keep us from completing the simplest tasks.

Maybe it was washing that load of clothes that you shoved under your bed to keep from thinking about three days ago; or getting that extension on your cell phone bill that’s due tomorrow (my most recent shit predicament). Those dishes have been sitting in the sink for a week, but you refuse to wash them because your mother raised a slob and a slacker.

Before you know it, three weeks have past, and your life is in shambles. You’ve accomplished nothing you intended and that looming cloud of depression finally turns into a hurricane-tornado-wildfire, sliding you down the slippery slope of sadness into the lava of laziness and procrastination, where absolutely nothing gets done, and absolutely all of your time is wasted. What a drag.

For the past few years, this has been a dreadful repeating cycle in my life, and quite frankly, I’m sick of the shit. I’m twenty six years old, and worried that I don’t know how to function at a high level of productivity regardless of factors of my environment. Donald Trump is President. I’m broke, and can’t find a job that isn’t soul-sucking with decent pay. Donald Trump is President, and on top of that, I think I’ve developed anxiety issues. Oh, and my health insurance just expired.

Whew. I need some Hennessy.

I’m two weeks into the new year and the devil already wants me to knock his ass out, but I told myself at the end of last year, “No matter what happens in twenty eighteen, keep going,” AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I’M GONE DO!

I’ll keep this thing short though. My name is Joseph Farrell Beasley, Jr., and I’m a budding entrepreneur, an insurance broker and service industry expert by trade, currently, and I will be successful.

So here’s to the rest of 2018. Here’s to me finally getting the courage to finally start blogging. Here’s to doing exactly what I said I would do. Here’s to letting go of perfectionism and fear, because that shit is for the birds. Life is short and I’m too old for that. Here’s to putting in ALL the work necessary to accomplish all of my goals this year!

