Published inLinkfluence storiesHow our AI team geo-locate social media posts in non-creepy waysGood social media marketing requires good data. You need to know who your audience is, when they’re most active, and what they’re looking…Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019
Published inTowards Data ScienceWhy and how global brands like Facebook and Danone invest in market researchLast week, I received the following email from Facebook:Feb 25, 2019Feb 25, 2019
Published inMarketing and EntrepreneurshipBusiness Lessons from 4 Successful Entrepreneurs [Video]We’re living in a time in which entrepreneurship seems glamorous. Everybody is a founder of something. Or wants to be.Mar 16, 20174Mar 16, 20174
Published inMentionHow we Boosted our Open Rates with Email SegmentationEvery month, you see a new “email is dead” blog post, or a new “email-killer.” And every month, product updates, newsletters, and discount…Feb 17, 2017Feb 17, 2017
Published inMarketing and Entrepreneurship5 Ways to Improve SEO Quickly with PPCMany people favor SEO over PPC for its long-term benefits, and because it’s “free.”Jan 17, 20173Jan 17, 20173
Published inMentionWhy and How You Should Start “Smarketing” like HubSpotI don’t know about you, but when I want to buy something, I go on Google.Jan 12, 2017Jan 12, 2017
Published inMention2017 Content Marketing Predictions from Rand Fishkin, Larry Kim, Sujan Patel & more [Video]I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. According to these experts, 2017 might be a little scary for us marketers.Jan 5, 2017Jan 5, 2017
Published inMarketing and EntrepreneurshipHow will Google’s AI Improvements Change SEO for Marketers?Artificial intelligence’s role in SEODec 15, 20164Dec 15, 20164
Published inMentionLessons From Two Brands That Turned a Brand Crisis Into a PR WinWhen people said mean things about you as a kid, your mom told you to ignore them; When the same thing happens to you as a marketer…Dec 15, 2016Dec 15, 2016
6 Big Online Marketing Mistakes (and How to Prevent Them)Online marketing can be overwhelming.Mar 23, 2016Mar 23, 2016