If You Want Us Men To Watch “Little Women”, Stop Lecturing Us About It

You can’t just scold men into movie theater seats.

Joe Garza
Published in
13 min readJan 7, 2020


Judging by this still, “Little Women” has about as much explosive action as Sunday brunch.

I’m sitting on a couch at my friend’s house in LA on New Year’s Eve as I sculpt the intro to this tirade on the latest kerfuffle around men not flocking to see a Little film about Women.

While my LA trip is certainly about pouring too much alcohol into my body to ring in another Year of Loud Opinions, it’s also a business trip of sorts. You see, my friend and I are aspiring horror filmmakers and have been spending the past several months planning how we’re going to kick open the doors of Hollywood nobility and stink up the joint with our ghoulish cinematic visions.

We’ve had many nerdy film discussions about our favorite movies, filmmakers we idolize, and the types of films we’d love to make together. However, one topic that’s been invading our conversations more and more is that of “wokeness” — that rotten bastard of a dogma that I’d gladly beat to death with a baseball bat and bury in the desert somewhere outside of Las Vegas — and its cancerous chokehold on contemporary filmmaking.

My friend and I share the same worries about the industry we’re trying to break into when we unleash our first horror film together: Will audiences care more about the skin color of our…

