The Crows Mafia

joe innovation
16 min readJun 1, 2018



At some underground place, located beneath one of the forests in Sicily , the crows mafia Bosses was gathering together , Their voices was loud and it seems that they are getting into tough discussion

, one of the crows mafia says loudly :




The Third crow Mafia boss completes “ Each one of us must tell others his reasons for his opinion , Capito ? “

One of them says “d’accordo “

The other says “同意する , it means I agree , haha by Japanese “

One of them says “ I think it is better for us to do operation in Sicily because the risk to be caught and the operation to be discovered by human beings is very low as you know we have a lot of nests over police stations and main government buildings , so we have full control on this city place beside human beings who lives there , are not hating us and will not catching us on the contrary , they deal with us nicely , they see us in a different image than what has promoted that we are bunch of Hostile and Scary birds and we attack human beings without reason , they see us as part of the Sicilian culture , you know , one of us Told me That it appeared in more than 1000 feature films there * , you know also , other one told me that one of human beings there teach it to sing the Italian opera ** , you know we are songbirds and we have high ability to imitate sounds .

The other crow mafia says “ what is this shit , opera and films , this is crap “

The other one reply to it “ I meant by this that human beings there will not catch us as they see us friendly not hostile birds “

The first crow mafia completes “ According to my opinion , US is the best place as our families are spread there in major cities , in almost 26 cities especially the northeastern ones beside this place is one of the biggest places in the world and if we do the operation there it will have biggest effect and it will scare human beings all over the earth .

The Third crow mafia boss says “ I think you are missing something , are you forgetting what happened to your families either at US and Sicily , a lot of members of your families are being caught and are put by them at something like cages beside some of your nests were discovered and erased .

It completes “ I will tell you why japan ? As you know we have a booming population there especially in Tokyo , beside that , there are a lot of delicious Garbage , so we will secure food sources and we can build a lot of nests there , other thing which are very important “ it stops a moment and focus on them as if it will tell a secret

“ I trust them very much , we use them in a lot of operations and it is done successfully and .. “

The other one interrupt it “ about whom are you talking about ? “

the crow mafia boss replies “ you heard about the … “

while the Crows mafia bosses are talking , they did not noticed what happened there , at a place out of their sight , something moving cautiously , as if it is hiding and feared to be discovered , a colorful bird with long beak and distinctive “ crown “ of feathers .


The hoopoe says to his colleague “ Hush , lower your voice , they may discover our Existence “

It completes “ My curiosity is aroused , what operation are they talking about ? and about whom they are Talking ? whom they are trusting them and do a lot of operations successfully ?

The other hoopoe says “ you know , I did not understand anything beside I did not recognized those birds which are talking ? what are these birds , buddy ?

The hoopoe says “ I will tell you but first we must fly from here , as I fear they may discover our existence “

The other Hoopoe “ ok , lets go “

The two hoopoes flied and settled on a Tree branch near the River at the forest .

The first hoopoe “ I think we are in a safe place now , but we will stay here for a while and return to the same place because I want to hear what they are saying “

The Hoopoe completes “ ok , I will tell you the story of these birds so listen carefully because I will not repeat what I say again , ok ?

The other hoopoe “ ok , I am all ears “

The first hoopoe “ Those birds are bosses of Crows Mafia , The crows mafia is the most dangerous organized group of hostile birds which are the reasons of all Chaos in the Animal kingdoms ,

Most strange accidents of either birds or animals or insects deaths are caused by these groups , you heard about Death accidents of owls , hawks , eagles , coyotes and raccoons , they are the main species accused of these death accidents , beside animals , they are also responsible for the lot of accidents happened at the human beings world , they attack human beings when they are close to their nests ,

Beside death , they are the first species accused of food theft of other animals beside human beings and accused of many disgraceful behavior in our kingdoms “

The hoopoe completes “ the three crows you saw at that place are the bosses of crows mafia , one of these crows is the boss of the American crow mafia families which are responsible for crows mafia families at US , the other is the boss of Ravens Mafia families , which are responsible of crows mafia families at Siciliy and the last one is the boss of Rooks Mafia families which are responsible of Crows mafia families at Japan ,

the other hoopoe interrupt the first hoopoe saying “ sorry , I am little confused , what are the difference between the Crows , Ravens and Rooks ?


the first hoopoe reply to him “ I will tell you , Crows, ravens and rooks all belong to the same genus, Corvus, which explains why they look so similar. The genus Corvus includes about 45 species, which are spread all over the world except for South America, some islands and the Poles. They evolved in Central Asia and spread from there ,

They are different in size with Raven which is the biggest one then the crows and the Rooks came last , beside other differences like their sounds , appearance ,habitat and habits “

The second hoopoe says “ ok , That’s fine , tell me the rest of crows mafia story “

The first hoopoe reply “ ok , As I told you the crows Mafia ( I mean the crows , ravens and rooks mafia ) are the most dangerous organized group of hostile birds who are responsible for all disgraceful accidents in the animal kingdoms like other species death accidents , food theft , providing protection for other species in return for any things beneficial for their survival like source of food

for example they provide protection for Ants kingdoms against their competitors which are the bees kingdom or vice versa according to which kingdom provide it with more source of food ,

In addition to Animals and insects , They enlarge their operations to include human beings , many accidents of sabotage are caused by them , for example they steal crops from farms , eat from garbage and throw it in streets beside annoying and scaring city dwellers ,

Mass of Crows steal crops from farms
Crows eat from Garbage and throw the garbage
One Crow attack Human Beings

The second hoopoe says “ it seems from what you say that they are very organized , am I right ? “

The first hoopoe replies “ yes , you are right , the crows mafia are well known that they are cooperative between each other , they like living , breeding their kids , searching for source of foods and even chasing their predators in groups ,

The crows mafia develop for themselves an organizational structure based on the families system to ensure the continuance of their disgraceful activities for survival purposes , the families system differ slightly between the three crows families ; the American crows mafia family system , the raven mafia family system and the rooks mafia family system ,

The Raven mafia families lives in Sicily and are the first corvid birds ( corvus genus ) who initiate the crows Mafia family system in our animal kingdom , the Raven family system are based on the following :

1.Each Raven Mafia family are led by the Raven boss who are aided by the Raven underboss and supervised by 2 Raven Advisers , the Raven underboss supervise number of Raven captains which will have 5–30 Raven soldiers ( most of the time 10 Raven soldiers ) under its supervision , Raven soldiers also supervise number of Associates which are from other corvus birds genus or from other species like Ants..etc.

2.Each Raven Mafia family are led by the Raven Boss who is responsible for this raven family disgraceful activities in a given territory in the Raven kingdom , it is elected yearly by ravens mafia family members and is aided by its raven underboss and supervised by 2 raven mafia family advisers .

3.the Raven underboss helps the Raven boss in supervising disgraceful activities of the Raven mafia family in a given territory in the raven kingdom , most of the Time it is one of the Raven boss sons . In case of Raven boss illness or die , it will be the Raven boss of the raven mafia family .

4.The Raven mafia family boss Advisers supervise and advise the raven boss on its actions in relation to supervising the Raven mafia family disgraceful activities in the territory and mediate in internal disputes between the Raven mafia family members , to fulfill its role , it must be impartial .

5.the Raven captains are working under the underboss supervision , they supervise 5–30 Raven ( most of the time 10 raven soldiers ) soldiers for executing the day to day Raven mafia family operations .

6.Raven soldiers are responsible for executing the day to day Raven mafia family operations and are supervised by their Raven captains .

In order to be a member ( Raven soldier ) in The raven mafia family , The raven will be exposed to the Raven mafia family obedience test in order to be a soldier in the Raven mafia family ,

the raven will be tested for obedience by requiring it to make killing assignment , it will be assigned to kill one of the Raven mafia family enemies like owls , eagles , cats , coyotes ..etc .

Ravens only are entitled to be members in the Raven mafia family , Crows and rooks and other corvus genus are not allowed , Most of the Time Raven mafia family members are males with little exceptions for females to be a member .

There is ceremony for membership in the Raven mafia family Traditions , after being a member , the Raven member will be invited to a ” secret very big nest “ made for Raven mafia family members gatherings either beneath a forestland or at higher places in mountains , it enters the secret very big nest where the Raven mafia family members are gathered , the Raven boss tell the Raven new member the 10 loyalty rules that govern the Raven mafia family life in front of other Raven mafia family members ( witnesses ) as follows :

1.No Raven mafia family member can fly in places near any raven mafia family nest if there are other species from Raven enemies ( like owls , eagles , hawks , cats , coyotes and raccoons ) are close to that place , so as to not inform enemies indirectly to places of nests ( Secrecy Rule )

2.No Raven mafia family member can eat food in other Raven mafia family territory because if this is done , it can raise disputes and wars between Raven mafia families .

3.No Raven mafia family member can kill other species in territories belong to other Raven mafia family .

4.No Raven mafia family member can be seen with other Known Raven enemies of other species unless for deception purposes to kill it at End and Raven member direct supervisor ( Raven captain ) and Raven boss must have knowledge of this and approve it .

5.if one of Raven mafia family members is killed in a place , No other Raven mafia family members must come close to that place even if there is source of food .

6.Raven mafia family members must group together to make a funeral for that killed raven mafia family member .

7.Raven mafia family members must group together to investigate who is the killer and revenge for the that killed member .

Group of crows chase an Owl

8.Raven mafia family members must group together to defend their nests against attacks by other species of animals and birds and chase those predators until they kill it .

9.if one of human being s came close to nests or trying to catch and harm any Raven mafia family member , all Raven mafia family members must remember that human being face and group together to chase that human being and harm him .

10.obedience of Raven mafia family orders come at first place even if there are difficult personal circumstances that hinder executing that order .

After the Raven mafia family member repeat the rules after the Raven boss by moving his head and make special sound ,

the Raven mafia family boss will ask it to make the loyalty sound to the Raven mafia family which is in the form of Raven sound “ Rok , Rok , Rok “ , after That , the Raven boss will order other Raven mafia family members to click that raven member body , so there will be blood that will sort out from its body as a result of other ravens clicking its body , then the Raven boss will order other raven mafia family members to drink this blood , this a kind of painful ceremony to the Raven mafia family member to remind it that in case of betrayal , it will be killed .

8.Raven mafia family associates are led by the Raven soldiers , most of the Time they are not ravens and are from other corvus genus like crows and rooks or from other species like Ants ..etc . Raven mafia family associate will not anyway promoted to be a soldier and they will remain in this same position , they are just used by the raven mafia family in some cases in fighting other enemies from other species where Raven soldiers are not capable of doing this role .

Each Raven mafia family controls certain territory in the Ravens kingdom and other species kingdoms in which it will make its disgraceful activities like, providing protection to Ants kingdoms against bees or vice versa , against return in any form beneficial to their survival (like information about source of food , killing assignments against enemies of other species that cannot be done by Ravens ) , food theft , killing Assignments against Ravens enemies like owls , cats , coyotes ..etc.

No other Raven mafia family can make its operations in territories belong to other Raven mafia family unless getting approval of that Raven mafia family boss , this Rule is enforced by the Raven mafia families commission .

The Raven mafia families commission members is composed of Raven Mafia family districts representatives , Each district is composed of 4 adjacent Raven mafia families territories , each territory is controlled by one of the Raven mafia family boss , so District representative will be elected from the 4 Raven mafia family bosses .

Although each Raven mafia family works independently and have full autonomous but the Raven mafia family commission have the role of Regulating and enforcing the rules that ensure no wars or disputes will rise between Raven mafia families ,

for example if one of the Raven mafia family member wants to kill one of the Ravens enemies in other Raven mafia family territory, it must take the approval of that Raven mafia family boss , so the Raven mafia family commission enforce this rule ,

Beside That , it deals with matters of Succession , when Raven mafia family boss dies or get injured and illness , naturally one of that Raven boss sons will be the Raven mafia family boss , but in case it have no sons or only it have raven females ( daughters) or there are disputes over which will be the boss between Raven mafia family members , so the Raven commission will assign representative to run the Raven mafia family activities temporarily or it will assign and divide the activities to other territory-adjacent Raven mafia families until The Raven boss will be elected by the family members ,

this is done for the purpose for not enabling other Raven mafia families to take over other territories and have big territories under its control and thus it will create imbalance in powers in the Raven kingdom to the extent it will create wars between them “ the first hoopoe ended his talk .

The second hoopoe says “ ok this is all about the raven mafia families that lives in Sicily , what about the others ; the crows mafia families in US and Rooks mafia families in japan ? “

The first hoopoe says “ They all share the same family system organization , hierarchy , operations and rules with some slight differences “

The second hoopoe “ ok , but I just want to ask a question , from where you get all this information ?

The first hoopoe replies “ why are you always forgetting that I am a journalist and I follow the news of all species all over the Animal kingdom , beside that , I demand from my boss that I follow news of those groups of birds because I think there are a lot of secrets behind them and My instinct tell me that the Animal kingdom will witness a lot of events in the coming days

, oh .. , lets return to the same place of those birds , I want to listen to what they are saying , hurry up “

The second hoopoe who was preoccupied with eating an insect “ just wait until I finish eating ? “

The first hoopoe shouts to it “ HURRY UP , WE HAVE NO TIME “

The other hoopoe replies “ ok , ok , fine “

The two hoopoes returned to the same place and listened carefully to what the Raven mafia bosses says , they heard the Rooks mafia family boss saying

“ ok, so we all agree that the “ Murderers “ will execute the operation in Tokyo in Japan and ..”

Suddenly The journalist hoopoe make a loud sound as if it is shocked and it seems that it has lot of fear “ WHAT , The MURDERERS ? “


To be continued

* A trained crow named Jimmy the Raven appeared in over 1,000 feature films between 1934 and 1954.

Source :

**Crows are considered song-birds and posses a deep repertoire of melodies. And, like humans, the more melodious the song, the more soothing the effects. Some crows have even been taught to recite opera.

Source :

The Crows Mafia is based on Real stories :

Crows Facts :

Mafia Facts :

To see “ Ants Kingdom corporation “ film ( Animal film series #1)

Animal film series is series of films mixing between animal life and our human beings Real life , mixing between Facts and imagination .

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