Joe Johnson
2 min readJan 15, 2017

Focus on depth, not width.

What do you think matters more on social media? Having 1,000 followers that don’t have your attention, or having 400–500 that engage with you and love hearing what you have to say? I’ve never understood why companies care so much about having thousands of followers if most of them stopped listening to you. It’s not about the numbers, it’s about grabbing their attention. Great content, talking to your community, being vulnerable, listening to them, and providing value will ALWAYS produce a growing community. If people listen to what you have to say and connect with you, your message, or story, will spread like wildfire. Here’s my input on how to gain a following.

1. Make a lot of noise in your industry, without being a dick. Even if you have the better product or service, you’d be surprised on what people will say if they catch you talking bad about a brand or company they like. You never know who knows who, and it ALWAYS backfires in the long run.

2. Give, give, give, and give some more for free and ask politely. People will tell when your truly trying to help them. Naturally, people want to give back when your providing REAL value to them and making a difference in their personal or professional lives. If they attach a feeing to your content or brand, then you’ve won. Then you can ASK for the sale.

3. Listen and know when to shut up. Seriously, a lot of people know the answer to their questions or concerns but sometimes need help arriving to it. People naturally like telling their story, so let them. Show them unconditional love and be interested in what they have to offer. It’ll show you give a shit and your compassionate. Letting people open and up and be vulnerable is an easy way to get their attention, if your sincere.

4. Finally, be vulnerable, and extremely grateful. The great Gary Vaynerchuk pointed out that you have a 1 and 400 TRILLION chance of being born. He often makes crazy comments like you could of been a school bus, or a bird, or a shoe, but instead you won the lotto and became a human. You have the chance to live an extraordinary life and do great things, if you do the right thing by everyone, and work hard. I couldn’t agree with him more and am happy to share his message. Be grateful that you can choose your own path, write your own story, and live a wonderful life. Be thankful people are willing to give you their time and attention, it’s some of the few things you have a limited amount of. You never know what it could mean to someone.

It’s not about the amount of followers you have, it’s about the connection you make with your audience. It’s not about the width, it’s the depth.

Follow me if you’d like to chat, across all social media it’s @kipharderthanme

I largely talk about business, health, supplements, and fitness.

This whole article is inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk

Joe Johnson

22 year old Marketing Major. I'm passionate about not giving a shit, entrepreneurship, and encouraging people to live out their dreams.