New Year’s Resolution 2017

2 min readJan 6, 2017


Last year I planned to challenge myself to do a couple things on a consistent basis, call them resolutions if you will, that I never published or attempted to do. Well, I’ve decided to bring that list back, tweak it for 2017, and put it out there so I can hold myself a little more accountable.

Lose some weight, 20lbs to be precise.

I’ve been overweight for the last three years and it’s affecting my health. Furthermore the high profile deaths associated to heart disease over the last months of 2016 served as confirmation that I need to take this goal more seriously. As a matter of fact, I actually started a workout routine in early December 2106 and have stuck to it… so hopefully I won’t fail like the other 90% people who give up after a month.

Write about something every other week.

I’ve always been fascinated by people who can write quality content on a consistent basis. It requires such discipline a discipline that I’m trying to acquire.

So what will I write about? this is where I think I’ve failed before. I used to write (blog) about mundane things and the occasional tech-heavy post; things that I was not really passionate about at the time. This time around I will focus on writing about two topics I feel strongly about:

  1. Food-related things. Whether it’s a restaurant review, or a new dish I found.
  2. About Films. I’ve always been a fan of movies, but over the last two years I’ve discovered a few YouTube channels, podcasts and like-minded people that have taken my love for movies to the next level.

Be more involved in #MiamiTech scene.

This is one that I’ve gone back-and-forth on over the last decade, I’ve never felt a connection with the local community… I always felt something was wrong. However, over the last two or three years the so called #MiamiTech scene has grown on me. Yet, I still feel like an outsider.

This year, my goal is to go from observer to an active participant, perhaps then I’ll feel like I finally belong to #MiamiTech.




Foodie. Film Geek. Former Director of Engineering @ CareCloud