Auto-Tinder - Train an AI to swipe tinder for you 🖖

10 min readOct 3, 2019

Auto-tinder was created to train an AI using Tensorflow and Python3 that learns your interests in the other sex and automatically plays the tinder swiping-game for you.

In this document, I am going to explain the following steps that were needed to create auto-tinder:

- Analyze the tinder webpage to find out what internal API calls tinder makes, reconstruct the API calls in Postman and analyze its content
- Build a api wrapper class in python that uses the tinder api to like/dislike/match etc.
- Download a bunch of images of people nearby
- Write a simple mouse-click classifier to label our images
- Develop a preprocessor that uses the tensorflow object detection API to only cut out the person in our image
- Retrain inceptionv3, a deep convolutional neural network, to learn on our classified data
- Use the classifier in combination with the tinder API wrapper to play tinder for us

Step 0: Motivation and disclaimer

Auto tinder is a concept project purely created for fun and educational purposes. It shall never be abused to harm anybody or spam the platform. The auto-tinder scripts should not be used with…

