ML Fundamentals: Optimization problems and how to solve themEverything in Machine Learning and AI is an optimization problem — learn how to solve them with high-school mathOct 9, 2019Oct 9, 2019
How to get financing or funding for your StartUpGetting funding early in their life is important for three reasons:Oct 4, 2019Oct 4, 2019
Read this before you found your StartUpBefore you found your StartUp, you have to validate three things:Oct 3, 2019Oct 3, 2019
Grow your StartUp now!StartUps often want a sustained growth in both revenue and profit over an extended period of time, but only 1 in 10 companies manages the…Oct 3, 2019Oct 3, 2019
Auto-Tinder — Train an AI to swipe tinder for you 🖖Auto-tinder was created to train an AI using Tensorflow and Python3 that learns your interests in the other sex and automatically plays thOct 3, 20192Oct 3, 20192
Gender classifier with Tensorflow and OpenCVUsing Tensorflows and OpenCV, we are going to train a Neural Network to distinguish Male and Female faces.Apr 20, 20191Apr 20, 20191
What Neural Networks teach us about SchizophreniaHow we can reverse engineer Neural Networks to learn how the human brain works.Apr 20, 2019Apr 20, 2019
Denial of Service attack in PythonWe implement a Denial of Service attack in pure python based on the slow-lorris attack.Apr 20, 20191Apr 20, 20191
Recognize written Numbers in pure Python (without any ML-Library)We create a simple machine learning script in python from scratch that can detect digits in images.Apr 20, 2019Apr 20, 2019
RESTapi with Spring Boot — A complete guide!Learn how to create a REST application in spring boot following MVC — Model, Resources, Controllers and Services.Apr 20, 2019Apr 20, 2019