Unleashing Marvel’s Mightiest: 10 Characters Capable of Taking on the Living Tribunal

Nicholas Joel Ilano
4 min readJun 12, 2023


Ah, the enigmatic entity known as the Living Tribunal, a cosmic colossus whose very existence is shrouded in unparalleled power and unfathomable wisdom. Within the intricate tapestry of Marvel Comics, this celestial being stands as the ultimate arbiter of balance, presiding over the multiverse with a resolute hand.

The Living Tribunal appears as a colossal humanoid figure with three faces, each representing a different aspect of its personality: Equity, Necessity, and Vengeance. It possesses incredible cosmic power, surpassing that of even the most powerful beings in the Marvel universe, such as the Celestials and abstract entities like Eternity and Death. The Tribunal’s primary role is to safeguard the cosmic hierarchy and prevent any individual or force from gaining too much power or disrupting the natural order. It acts as the final arbiter of justice and makes decisions that affect the entire multiverse, including the judgment of cosmic entities and overseeing matters of cosmic significance.

The Living Tribunal’s powers are vast and almost limitless, including reality manipulation, time manipulation, dimensional travel, and the ability to alter or negate the powers of other beings. It rarely intervenes directly in the affairs of the Marvel universe, choosing to act only when the existence of the multiverse is threatened or a significant cosmic imbalance occurs.

However, the question arises: Are there any among the pantheon of comic book characters capable of toppling this seemingly invincible titan? Let us embark upon a contemplative journey and explore ten entities that may possess the potential to challenge the Living Tribunal, if any can dare such a feat.

  1. The One Above All: If there exists a singular force within the Marvel pantheon that surpasses the omnipotence of the Living Tribunal, it would be The One Above All. This transcendent entity, purportedly the embodiment of the creative essence of Marvel, wields immeasurable power and remains unrivaled.
  2. The Beyonder: A cosmic being of limitless potential, the Beyonder has demonstrated vast reality-warping abilities capable of reshaping the fabric of existence. His sheer raw power and disregard for cosmic laws place him among the few who could potentially challenge the Living Tribunal.
  3. The Heart of the Universe Thanos: Armed with the omnipotent Heart of the Universe, an artifact capable of rewriting reality itself, Thanos briefly achieved unparalleled power. In this state, he could conceivably pose a threat to the Living Tribunal, though the usage of such power carries severe consequences.
  4. The Phoenix Force: A primal force of creation and destruction, the Phoenix embodies cosmic might on a colossal scale. With its ability to consume entire star systems and reshape reality, it stands as a force capable of testing the limits of the Living Tribunal’s dominion.
  5. Oblivion: The embodiment of nothingness, Oblivion holds sway over the void and seeks to unravel the tapestry of existence. As an antithesis to cosmic order, this dark entity may possess the potential to clash with the Living Tribunal, casting the multiverse into eternal chaos.
  6. The Celestials: These ancient cosmic beings, endowed with godlike powers, are responsible for the creation and manipulation of life across the cosmos. Their collective might, if united, could potentially pose a challenge to the Living Tribunal’s authority.
  7. Eternity: As the personification of the universe itself, Eternity embodies the vastness and majesty of creation. Although subservient to the Living Tribunal, this cosmic entity possesses unimaginable power and could potentially muster the strength to defy its overseer.
  8. The Abstract Entities: Beings such as Death, Eternity, Infinity, and Entropy personify fundamental cosmic concepts. While the Living Tribunal holds authority over them, their combined might, if harnessed against it, could provoke a cosmic confrontation of immeasurable proportions.
  9. The Cosmic Cubes: These artifacts, imbued with the power to reshape reality, have been known to rival even the most formidable cosmic beings. A confrontation with the Living Tribunal might prove conceivable in the hands of a wielder capable of harnessing their full potential.
  10. The Beyonders: Hailing from a higher plane of existence, the Beyonders possess nigh-omnipotent power. Their actions have previously led to the demise of the Living Tribunal, indicating that they stand as one of the few known adversaries capable of challenging its dominion.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the Living Tribunal’s omnipotence and function as a cosmic entity overseeing balance make it an immensely formidable opponent. While possessing immense power, these ten beingsare postulated to have the potential to confront the Living Tribunal, but ultimately, the outcome of such a cosmic clash remains speculative.



Nicholas Joel Ilano

I love exploring new worlds, both in the gaming world and with my love of writing. Plus, you'll hear annoying jokes that you just won't get anywhere else.