I Know Why a Singer Urinated at a Concert

Because I pay attention to a cultural crystal ball. Which I will reluctantly tell you about.

Joel Stein
5 min readNov 19, 2021
Photo: Joseph Morgan / EyeEm / Getty Images

I have long wondered how performers never leave their show to go to the bathroom. Not once in the many three-and-a-half hour Bruce Springsteen concerts I’ve seen has he announced that he needs a potty break. Not even after singing The River.

So I wasn’t surprised when Brass Against singer Sophia Urista announced to the crowd at Daytona Beach’s Rockville festival, “I’ve got to pee, and I can’t make it to the bathroom. So we might as well make a show of it.” Then she selected an eager male volunteer from the audience, instructed him to lie on the stage, lowered her tight white pants, and urinated into his open mouth — all while continuing to sing.

The public was so horrified that Urista, a Miley Cyrus-chosen 2106 contestant on The Voice, apologized on Twitter, saying she “pushed the limits too far.” By which she meant her detrusor muscle.

I wasn’t surprised partly because her last name is Urista, which undoubtedly caused a lot of bathroom issues due to childhood teasing. Partly because it took place in Daytona Beach, the site of MTV’s first Spring Break specials, which enforced even fewer rules than Florida normally does. Partly because the…



Joel Stein

Joel Stein’s In Defense of Elitism: Why I’m Better Than You and You’re Better Than Someone Who Didn’t Buy This Book, is the best book ever. www.thejoelstein.com