The “Star Wars” Collection

Thoughts on “Star Wars” past, present and future, by an obsessive fan.

Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life
5 min readApr 24, 2020


“Star Wars” has remained a lifelong obsession, informing my career path as a novelist, and writer-producer for television and film, in a capacity greater than any other pop-culture inspiration.

And so I write about it.

The Medium platform in which these pieces have been published has enabled me to freely indulge my thoughts on this 40+-year franchise.

The thoughts are mine and mine alone.

I’ve posted these articles online over a period of three years. During that time, the feedback has ranged from excellent to teeth-gnashing.

Among my general thoughts considered most controversial based on feedback have been the following:

  • “The Last Jedi” is a masterpiece, and “Rogue One” lags not too far behind;
  • The Disney films are not the disasters many proclaim;
  • The “Star Wars” prequels are flawed but necessary viewing, and “Revenge of the Sith” is near-Shakespearean in scope and tragedy;
  • The franchise as a whole deserves an honorary Oscar for revolutionizing mass media;
  • The rise of “Star Wars” (no pun, there) did not ruin the serious movie…



Joel Eisenberg
Writing For Your Life

Joel Eisenberg is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer. The Oscar in the profile pic isn’t his but he’s scheming. WGA and Pen America member.