Using RxJS Observable and Operators in TypeScript
What is an Observable?
Observable is an array whose items arrive over time. They can be used to model asynchronous data streams such as DOM events, async requests and animations. They can also be transformed, combined, and consumed using array methods such as map, filter, reduce, forEach, etc.
What are Operators?
Operators apply certain transformations to the observable sequence. These transformations could be of any category, such as, creation, conversion, combine, functional, mathematical, time, exceptions, miscellaneous, selection and primitives.
npm install rxjs --save
Importing into your project
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx';
Using Observables and Operators with Examples
This method creates a new observable sequence from an array of values.
Converts arguments to an observable sequence.
Generates an observable sequence of numbers within a specified range.
Creates an observable sequence from an event.
Creates an observable sequence without repeating values.
Creates an observable sequence with a delay.
Creates an observable sequence that emits only the first value during a specified duration.
Creates an observable sequence that emits only the latest value after a specified duration.
Source code
A sample project using operators, fromEvent, distinctUntilChanged, delay, throttleTime and debounceTime is available below. Please feel free to try it out.
A GIF of the app output is shown below.
API Reference