What is a Construction Management Plan & Why do I need one?

Joel Kenny
4 min readFeb 11, 2022

A Construction Management Plan (commonly referred to as a CMP) is a plan that outlines the proposed building works to be undertaken and how the constructor intends to manage the project to minimise the impact on the local residents during the works.

Such plans are becoming an increasingly more commonplace requirement of most London councils and councils in major cities across the UK.

Get a quotation for a Construction Management Plan

Example — Site Logistics Plan

Councils often require a CMP to be submitted as part of the planning application process for new developments or as a Planning Approval Condition, which needs a CMP to be in place before work on-site can commence.

With the increased number of developments and projects in London, construction plans have become more imperative than before. The requirement of a CMP is not just limited to large scale projects and developments but is now a crucial requirement for any project that is likely to impact the local neighbourhood during the works. This can range…

