Why You Should Give Fargo, North Dakota a Try

Joellen Wood
6 min readMay 17, 2018
Going to see one of my favorite movies at one of my favorite theaters. PC: Joellen Wood

Fargo, North Dakota.

If you are like some, those three words up there probably elicit images of wood chippers and people exclaiming phrases like “Uff da!” and “You betcha!” If you are like others, hearing the words “Fargo, North Dakota” might provoke the realization that you had forgotten about the existence of North Dakota itself. It is, after all, not somewhere many people plan their vacations, nor is it one of the U.S.’s more populace states. If you are like me however, the words “Fargo, North Dakota” bring a mixture of warm thoughts and emotions connected to this place I happily call home.

Home is a Community

The phrase “home is where the heart is” often gets tossed around and, while perhaps a cheesy sentiment at times, is a phrase that does bear truth to it. “Home is where the heart is,” as I understand it, indicates that one’s home is less about its physical aspect as it is about its emotional, maybe even spiritual, one. Home is where one chooses to build community and that community is made up of people.

If I have learned anything from the six states I have lived in — Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Illinois, and now North Dakota — it is that these places are all made up of a unique group of people. These communities create and cultivate a plot of land into an…

