Lord, I’m Thirsty

Joel Stockstill
2 min readAug 3, 2016


“I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The power of thirst is the strongest instinct of man.

Before hunger, safety, or shelter comes the intense desire for liquid. All throughout the Bible we see metaphors of thirst being used to describe the way our God wants to be desired by His children. David’s famous words in Ps 42 have been quoted so many times we almost have lost the meaning of “As the Deer”. Nonetheless, this powerful force signifies a type of faith that makes God extremely excited.

When we examine our day to day lives, we must ask ourselves, Do I thirst for God?

Do I have an unquenchable desire for Him that cannot be satisfied by anything else?

Everyone knows that when you get really thirsty, you can think of nothing else! Thirst can dominate your thoughts in a way that is uncanny. When you are truly thirsty, eating a meal without drinking water will not suffice. When you are truly thirsty, having fun will not distract or deter you. When you truly thirsty, relationship takes a far back seat.

No need can compete with the awareness of thirst.

As with all attributes that please God, thirst is a form of aggressive faith. It tells God that you have a burning, driving desire to have more of His sufficiency.

Takeaway: Do you thirst for God today? Is there a burning desire in your belly for the things of God? Do you passionately desire His presence in your life?

Do you long for the sweet fellowship that was stripped away in the Garden and restored at the Cross?

Press into His presence today and accelerate your thirst for Him. The more exposure you have, the more thirst you will acquire!


