Quit arguing and build the Kingdom!

Joel Stockstill
2 min readJan 27, 2017


“For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.” 1 Peter‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So much bickering and arguing is going on right now in the body of Christ. Much of it is due to an extreme ignorance in the Word of God. There really isn’t 2 sides on most of the issues that are being so hotly contested when it comes to the stance of the Word. And yet, the debate rages. If you are on good ground Biblically, how should you respond to all of this.

Other than refusing to be hostile or combative to other believers, Peter exhorts us to put our faith in action. Put our truth to the test.

Instead of throwing hurtful words back and forth, go out and actually do what the Lord commands us!

For the last several months I’ve been trying to live this.

Recently, my father exhorted me to daily “Build the Kingdom.” I have accepted that challenge!

Instead of spending time fighting over politics, gay marriage, or any other of a million debates right now, I spend each day doing the will of the Father.

Great advice from my natural father concerning the will of my Heavenly Father!

Takeaway: Are you “building the Kingdom” every day or feeling good about yourself through correcting and arguing with others? Can you be doing something tangible for the Kingdom that would silence the foolishness of those around you? Why is it important to “win” the debate on all these issues? Truth will win out. Speak the truth in love but don’t feel the need to argue or defend the Word of God!

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