The Pitfall of Settling

Joel Stockstill
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright now.” Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭25:31–32‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Esau was desperate for a meal. A meal was at best a temporary need. He despised the blessing. The blessing was an eternal thing. His natural hunger made him desperate for food and he made a terrible decision.

He settled for some lentil stew instead of a lifetime of God’s blessing! How foolish!

We can see this story so clearly now that it is over but how many times have we settled for something as pitiful as a bowl of soup in comparison to the blessing of God?

I’ve seen so many times a young person settling for a short fling with a boyfriend/girlfriend they will never see again. And for their settling, they never find the fulfilling marriage the Lord has for them.

I’ve seen credit card debt for foolish things cause people to be strapped for money and in debt most of their life. Were those purchases worth dooming yourself to a lifetime of misery? NO!

I’ve seen people quit their training for a harebrained idea that never worked and life comes along and sweeps them decades down the road. They look back and regret not making the tough choices in the moment in order to be fulfilled in the long term.

Takeaway: Never allow a temporary need or desire to eclipse the long term perspective of your life. A moment of loneliness. A spree of debt. An impulsive decision. All of these can ruin something amazing in your future. The good news is that you can repent and change your ways!

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