What does it mean to be “carried along by the Holy Spirit”?

Joel Stockstill
2 min readOct 8, 2016


“For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So many people are fascinated with the supernatural. More specifically, we are seeing a revival of interest in the prophetic. People are so hungry to hear the Lord speak. Everywhere I go people ask me if I have a word from the Lord for them. This is a great sign! Anytime there is hunger, there is supernatural response on the way!

As we speak of the prophetic, we have to understand more about how this phenomenon works. Is it something that you simply make up in your mind to hear and then all of a sudden you just hear? Is is something you have to go into a cave for 20 years to acquire?

There are many mindsets that pervade this arena of the supernatural and most of them are religious hogwash.

How do we know that the Spirit is actually speaking through us and revealing the very heart of God?

For lack of space and time, I want to give you something very simple today. When the Spirit speaks through someone it is as if they were being carried. Have you ever been picked up in one spot and set down in another? Have you ever ridden a roller coaster where you were being moved around rapidly but not actually moving a muscle? This is what it means to be carried along by the Spirit. It means coming to the place of surrender of all that you are so He can take over and use your vessel to speak as He desires.

You have no part in the process any more than when you are being carried you are “helping” to walk.

Takeaway: Have you learned how to surrender to the working of the Holy Spirit? Have you been able to get out of the way for Him to carry you in a supernatural way? The starting place for all of this is hunger. Hunger for the divine use. Hunger for the prophetic. Hunger for the hand of Almighty God to “carry you” as He wishes so that others may be touched and ministered to.

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