Applying Clown Makeup Correctly

Joel Wong Clown
2 min readAug 1, 2019


Clown makeup is critical to being a good clown. Without makeup, a clown is just an ordinary person. So, if you’re serious about being a clown, you’re going to need to know how to put on your own makeup.

Everyone knows what a clown looks like. This look is somewhat easy replicate, but you have to know a little something about the makeup to pull off a good clown face. For starters, you’re going to need to get some really good oil based paint. Oil based paints will stay on longer and aren’t as prone to streaking as other paints. You can find oil based paints at a costume store or clown/theatre makeup supply shop. You can choose whatever colors you want. However, most clowns start with basic white makeup. They cover their faces with the white makeup and then add color. Red is great for making a big clown smile. Yellow, blue, black and green are great for eye accents.

You’re also going to need some baby powder, make up brushes and Q-tips so make sure to pick these up while you’re at the store.

Before you apply your clown makeup, you need to thoroughly wash your face. Dirt and grit will interfere with the effectiveness of the makeup. You also need to pull your hair back. Leaving any stray hair near your face is asking for disaster. If a hair gets in wet makeup, you’re going to have to redo your clown makeup.

Start by putting a thin layer of white makeup all over your face. Don’t worry about covering areas that you plan on filling in with darker colors. The colors will easily go over the white.

Before you add the colors, have a clear plan of where you want each one to go. If you need to, write a design on a piece of paper. Then, draw it on your face using your makeup brushes. Don’t worry about making it perfect. You can always go back with your Q-tip to fine tune any line.

When you’re finished applying your colors, lightly brush powder all over your face with a makeup brush. This acts as a protective coating and will make your clown makeup last longer.

Joel Wong Clown is one of the owners of an online store in Singapore that sells haunted clowns,Halloween decorations, animated Halloween props, and handmade haunt items



Joel Wong Clown

Joel Wong is one of the owners of an online store that sells haunted clowns,Halloween decorations, animated Halloween props, and handmade haunt items