Salford boost cycling and walking scheme | Salford Now

Joely E Massey
2 min readMay 10, 2022


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The money from the Greater Manchester Mayor’s cycling and walking fund will transform Chapel Street and help it to be more people friendly. This will include new footways and cycle tracks to separate traffic.

This will help to boost safety on Salford roads and become more pedestrian friendly.

Great news for Salford as Mayor’s Cycling & Walking Challenge Fund @greatermcr agrees to commit £4.2m to deliver the Chapel Street East Phase 1 scheme with overall investment in walking, cycling, & public realm infrastructure equating to £4.68m @MayorofGM @AndyBurnhamGM 👇🏻👇🏻🚶🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️

- SalfordMayor (@salford_mayor) February 11, 2022

The new scheme has seemed to gain lots of positive feedback. Resident Nathan Traynor explained: “I think the footpaths and cycle tracks are really going to benefit Salford pedestrians, it will make it safer for them and easier for drivers now the new Highway Code is in place.

“A lot of accidents happen with bikes and cars so I feel like bike lanes should be the way forward for all busy roads in big cities.”

The new scheme will be worked on throughout 2022/2023, with lots of new features coming to the busy road.

Originally published at on May 10, 2022.

