How to Lead Through Pain, Uncertainty, and Constant Work

Joe Mechlinski
2 min readFeb 6, 2023

Statistically speaking, 20% of the people you work with have experienced mental health problems in the past year and over half of people with mental illness don’t receive help.

Lifting the stigma on mental health issues is one solution to getting people the help they need.

That’s why we (and many fans on social media) can’t stop talking about the Netflix documentary, Stutz, which is about Jonah Hill’s raw and vulnerable mental health journey with his therapist, Phil Stutz.

One noteworthy moment is when Stutz says the three aspects of reality that no one can avoid are pain, uncertainty, and constant work.

And with 2023 starting out with a few more high-profile layoffs (like Salesforce and Vimeo) and other indicators that would signal some minor to massive turbulence ahead (depending on the source), it’s important to remember:

#1 — Focus on the chapter, not the page — yes Amazon is cutting 18k jobs, but what’s important is that they went from 800k employees in 2019 to 1.6m in 2021. So now with these cuts, instead of growing headcount 2x since the pandemic, they’ve grown 1.98x. We feel layoffs more than we feel growth.

#2 — Fall in love with hard — hard times is just the Universe giving us a wink that we’re still very much alive.

#3 — Take full responsibility 100% of the time — remember that everything that is happening is happening to you, for you, and BY you.

#4 — Keep hope alive — hope has a magical way of getting us through the really hard times.

The great news?

You’ve made it through every single challenge life and business have thrown at you so far.

That’s one helluva reason to celebrate!



Joe Mechlinski

CEO of SHIFT, Founder of Latch, NYT & WSJ Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker and Angel Investor