If You’re Not First, You’re Last!

Joe Nissim
3 min readAug 20, 2018

You know who said this, a true American hero, Ricky Bobby. LOL. I know it’s ridiculous, but I just love this movie so damn much.

If you watched the movie, then you know Ricky Bobby lived his entire career by this one phrase. When he has a breakdown and his career falls apart, Ricky’s estranged father returns to help him get his career back on track.

When they get into an argument and Ricky asks him “What about what you said that one time on career day when I was in school?”

His Dad looks at him confused and replies, “I was high!”

He says, “that doesn’t make any sense, you can be 2nd, 3rd, 4th, hell you can even be 5th!”

Even though this is silly in the movie and it’s a ridiculous motto to live by, how many of us, deep down under, actually think this way?

I am:

  • “Smart or stupid.”
  • “Popular or a loser.”
  • “Rich or poor.”

When it comes to food, it’s even worse:

  • “I eat healthy or I eat unhealthy.”
  • “I eat clean or I eat like shit.”
  • “I eat good or I eat bad.”

This is a BIG problem.

Since when is eating or health binary? Why is this an accepted concept?

Eating is not binary. It’s not something you are either good or bad at. It’s not something you fail or succeed at. Eating, by nature, ebbs and flows.

To use a “non-diet” approach to losing weight, this fundamentally means understanding eating on a spectrum basis.

Eating will naturally look like this:

The over-simplified, dualistic (aka “black” and “white”) interpretations of health in our culture need to be rejected.

In reality, there is no such thing as “being good” or “being bad,” but rather, we are constantly bouncing around between these imaginary endpoints, falling on different points on different days, depending on a million factors.

It’s an impossible standard to hold yourself to. And hence, why it fails time and time and time again.

What normal eaters do is not hold themselves to an impossible and inhuman standard. Instead, they have an intuitive understanding of food.


If thoughts of food are plaguing you all day, then you will need to shift the way you think about food. These thoughts are not normal and have to be addressed before you lose a single pound.

The behaviors of normal eaters are covered in this free workshop I put together. You can discover what people who have lost weight, kept it off for YEARS, and don’t even think about food anymore are doing and how they got there.

You can watch the workshop, for free, here:

