Love is a Knowledge Thing. Chapter 8b.

Joe Psotka
2 min readMar 18, 2020


Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash

Chapter 8b. Together

Ana and Joe hugged each other in the robotaxi that took them to Ana’s. They kissed. They kissed in the elevator up to her place.

A bright sunlight streamed into the bedroom.

Joe got undressed and slipped under the covers. The room was cool.

Ana left her bra and panties on in a misplaced courtesy to her relationship with Jax. It was silly.

Joe left is prosthetics on his legs so he could entwine Ana close to him.

He stroked her breasts and blew warm breath through the bra onto her. He fumbled with the clips and Ana helped him remove the bra. He cupped the firm, warm breasts in his hands and sucked the nipples in turn, squeezing the neglected ones alternately with his fingers.

He feathered her back and belly and pressed the smooth curves of her seat in his hands against him. His hands felt a smoothness and delight never experienced before.

The sweet tensions of sex tightened their holds on them. Time hung in suspension and seemed endless. The painless and exquisite union dissipated all boundaries.

Ana felt the tremors first, as they mounted and spread from her breasts throughout her body. Joe was surprised by the suddenness and violence of her spasms as they spread through his hands into his own mind. He grabbed her tightly in his hands and pressed her clit so forcefully he lifted her body towards him. His own tremors increased as they moved in unison.

When they reached surcease they lay together, sucking every drop of pleasure from the moment.

Thus they stayed for many moments.

Reality entered their existence once again, and they realized they hadn’t eaten at the restaurant. Wine and sandwiches in bed fulfilled their other needs, and they shared laughter and many new ideas.

They exulted in stories they would share with their AIs.

Last Chapter 8a: Next Chapter 8c



Joe Psotka

Joe is a bricoleur, trying to understand the complexity of the place of values in a world of facts, using only common sense.