4 min readSep 8, 2021

Working Remotely from anywhere becomes achievable for anyone

After 4 weeks of working remotely while cycling through Europe, Joeri Nanov decided to launch a platform where you could find the best hotels and hostels for remote working. ‘There are so many cool and suitable locations to work from, however, they are really hard to find’

During his cycling trip, he constantly had to deal with the same problems. The hotels did not have ergonomic workstations. The desks in the rooms were too small and the chairs were not adjustable. The lack of good WIFI gave him another challenge. Due to bad internet, he structurally missed online meetings. His motive to travel around and work at the same time was to meet new people, however, the locations he worked from did not have like-minded people. His cycling trip from Amsterdam to Italy was an amazing experience, however, the working remote part was a deception.

‘I was working on small desks, with bad WIFI while feeling lonely at dinner’

The start of
After researching forums and blogs he realized there were actually a lot of hotels and hostels that are focussing on the remote worker as a target audience. The downside however is that they are hard to find. He discussed this problem with his friend Salvatore Tipaldi with whom he shares a passion to travel. That is how the idea for RemoteDream came to life. It should become the place where all the ideal remote work hotels and hostels could be found and booked. Eventually, it should also become the place where you can arrange everything around your remote work journey.

The RemoteDream platform

Developments in the market

Corona changed the role of the office once and for all. Employees have more flexibility in choosing their work location and big tech companies like Facebook and Linkedin are allowing remote work. This is leading to a huge boost in demand for locations where people can work and sleep. 74% of people that are allowed to work remotely are considering a ‘Workation’ according to Harris poll. On the other side, there are a lot of hotels and hostels that are adapting their locations to this new form of travel. They are opening locations with coworkings, are actively stimulating a community, and are organizing extra activities like surf lessons, parties, and networking meetups.

How does RemoteDream help the remote worker?

The platform helps by bringing together all locations to one place. Besides that, locations are qualified based on how suitable they are for remote working, if the internet quality is good enough and whether there is an active community of remote workers. RemoteDream aims to speak the language of the remote worker. An example is the intuitive search filters to find the right locations. Users can filter on locations that will be warmer than 15 degrees Celsius in winter. Another example is a filter that will show all locations that are in the EU timezone. This should help remote workers from companies like MessageBird that have policies that allow working remotely, as long as you are in the same time zone. Another helpful feature are reviews, that will be connected to the job title of the reviewer. This way users will see way more relevant reviews, not those of anyone but specifically from remote workers. The platform will constantly publish articles about cool locations and experiences of remote workers to inspire its users. Also, tips and knowledge will be shared to adapt to the remote worker lifestyle.

’Users can filter locations that will be warmer than 15 degrees celsius in winter’

Examples of locations

An example of a typical RemoteDream location is Live Zoku in Amsterdam. This innovative hotel concept has a comfortable coworking area. The community manager makes sure that there are moments for the guests to meet each other by organizing morning standups where everyone can share what they will be working on that day. After work, there is plenty of life to be found on the rooftop bar.

Live ZOKU AMsterdam

Another example of a true RemoteDream spot is the Draper Startup house of Entrepreneurship in Bali. The Draper concept is unique because they focus on remote workers, and specifically entrepreneurs. The locations of Draper all have a pleasant co-working area with good internet. They structurally host workshops and speakers on entrepreneurship topics. Besides that, they organize all sorts of activities for their guests. The Bali location in particular also has a great pool and is known for its relaxed atmosphere.

Draper Startup House Bali

The Future

For now, RemoteDream is the ideal place to find and learn about all these suitable remote work locations. They are striving to make all locations bookable as well within a month from now. This won’t be the end station, the platform will be extended with a community feature and information about local visa requirements. The RemoteDream platform will soon be an ideal tool as well for employers that want to grant their employees access to remote work spots with a high-quality standard.

Do you want to work remotely from anywhere around the globe? visit and find your ultimate Remote Work spot.


Entrepreneur, Marketer and sports addict