Love Era (FFWD 50 years)

Joe Santos
2 min readMay 24, 2016

We are transitioning from the Era of Knowledge to the Era of Wisdom, also called the Era of Imagination, the Era of Creativity.

We very fortunate to live in an Era of humanity where we start questioning every belief that we inherited from the past.

And answering the question: “Where will we be in 50 years?”… I believe in 50 years we will already have matured in the Era of Wisdom and we will have entered the Era of Love.

I believe in 50 years we will already have matured in the Era of Wisdom and we will have entered the Era of Love.

I don’t mean Love as in hugging someone or caressing someone’s hair and saying “I love you”, I don’t refer to the love with bright blue skies, winds blowing in our favor and having a romantic dinner…

When I say Love, I mean LOVE in capital letters!

I mean LOVE as in accepting unconditionally! I mean LOVE as in accepting without conditions!, I mean LOVE as in accepting all diferences with the same curiosity as a child observes the world.

You can’t love a person and hate his disability: Because you wouldn’t be accepting reality, you wouldn’t be accepting your child. The message that you would be passing on to your child would be: “I don’t love you the way you are”.

The message that you would be passing on to your child would be: “I don’t love you the way you are”.

[… continues in Chapter 10 “Accelerating Love”]

“Love Era (FFWD 50 years)” is an extract (Chapter 9) of Joe Santos’ speech “Deficiência — Diferença”, spoken on 10 May 2016 at Futuridade II, Centro Comunitário Gafanha do Carmo at Centro Cultural de Ílhavo.

Joe Santos is a Co-Founder of Vencer Autismo and dedicates his life to the cause of Autism and supporting Social projects for the love of seeing positive change in the world.

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Joe Santos

Joe dedicates his life to the cause of Autism and supports Social Projects for the love of seeing positive change in the world.