Who knows what’s around the corner…

Joe Scarboro
2 min readAug 27, 2015

Tech City UK is a pretty unique organisation. Both the people from the public and private sector that make up the team recognise they have never experienced anything quite like it. It has a huge number of stakeholders, quite different challenges to other organisations and a not-for-profit goal to create the right environment for UK digital businesses to grow and succeed. That’s a big job for 15 people and with that comes a working environment that is non-standard. Unfortunately for me, it’s not an environment that suits how I operate, so I’ve drawn a line under my role as Head of Entrepreneur Relations.

My time at Tech City UK has been fascinating, varied and productive too. I’ve designed a framework for a new programme, helped construct a more formal structure for the alliance of tech clusters around the country and contributed to a number of policy initiatives. It’s been an interesting glimpse into the workings of a non-government organisation and sometimes into government too.

So what’s next? Well…in the short term, nothing! And that’s something I find very difficult to do. It would be very easy for me to jump right into something else, be that a side project, or helping to build a startup but I am yet to decide on what the future holds, at least until I get back from a trip to the US at the beginning of October. Between 3beards, consulting, Code Club and Tech City UK I’ve been running pretty fast for over 3 years!

I wish the team at Tech City UK the very best with their continued mission and the great work they are doing. And for me, it’s time to unplug, unwind and reflect, and ultimately seek out my next challenge.

PS — I’m in SF from the 28th September — 1st October — If there’s anyone you think I should meet drop me a line on js@joescarboro.com — Thank you!



Joe Scarboro

Startup advisor & CEO coach, CFO @Replan_tech , Founder @touchpaperorg , Co-founder of @3_beards and former Mental Health Charity Chair and oil co CFO