Top 24 Things Dying People Regret On Their Deathbed

Joe Simonds
3 min readMay 16, 2017


If you died tomorrow, would you have any regrets?

Anything you wish you would have done differently?

Any risk(s) that you wish you would have taken?

Any loved ones that you wish you had spent more time with?

Well, you aren’t alone.

The vast majority of people on their deathbed wish they had done things a little bit differently.

Regarding death regrets, I really enjoyed reading a book that discusses the topic by Matthew Kelly called, Resisting Happiness.

In the book, he reveals what he learned from having lunch with hospice nurses after he asked them the most common things dying people tell them they wish they could change.

Here they are.


Note: these regrets are in no particular order.

  • I wish I’d had the courage to just be myself
  • I wish I had spent more time with the people I love
  • I wish I had made spirituality more of a priority
  • I wish I hadn’t spent so much time working
  • I wish I had discovered my purpose earlier
  • I wish I had learned to express my feelings more
  • I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about things that never happened
  • I wish I had taken more risks
  • I wish I had cared less about what other people thought
  • I wish I had realized earlier that happiness is a choice
  • I wish I had loved more
  • I wish I had taken better care of myself
  • I wish I had been a better spouse
  • I wish I had paid less attention to other people’s expectations
  • I wish I had quit my job and found something I really enjoyed doing
  • I wish I had stayed in touch with old friends
  • I wish I had spoken my mind more
  • I wish I hadn’t spent so much time chasing the wrong things
  • I wish I’d had more children
  • I wish I had touched more lives
  • I wish I had thought about life’s big question earlier
  • I wish I had traveled more
  • I wish I had lived more in the moment
  • I wish I had pursued more of my dreams

Which one hits you the hardest?

Click here to see Resisting Happiness on Amazon



Pretty hard hitting regrets, huh?

I know a few of them made me a bit uncomfortable.

Which one of the regrets is something you would change today?

Well, today’s ACTION ITEM is to go to work on your top regret.

Life it too short to have regrets when you die.

Take action today!

Let me know what you think about these 24 regrets or if you have any other ones you can think about in the comments.

I’d love to hear any other great tips you have.

If you want more tips on happiness and on how to get more control and freedom in your life, then click here to get your copy of Fishing For Happiness (The Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Happiness & Fulfillment From Top Experts Over The Last 100 Year).

Click here to see Episode #1 of the Joe Simonds (like Diamonds) show.

P.S. — If you think your friends or networks would enjoy seeing this, please Tag them or Share this with them. You Rock! Pa-POW!

Click here to buy the book “Fishing For Happiness” on Amazon.



Joe Simonds

Hi, I’m a cancer survivor, author, fisherman, and chapstick addict. Want more happiness in your life? Join my free newsletter here: