What Is Rick Simpson Oil & Story Behind RSO?

Joe Taylor
3 min readMar 14, 2019


If you’re fascinated about how effective medical marijuana is or wondering to try it, you must have heard about Rick Simpson Oil or RSO from your physician. Well, this form of cannabis oil has several therapeutic benefits attached to it, mainly for cancer, but from where did this oil actually originate from? And the most recurring question that arises is ‘ Who is Rick Simpson?’

All About Rick Simpson

Rick Simpson was a mere engineer who worked in the Canadian hospital back in 1997 to make his ends meet. He got his cannabis fame by chance long before it was termed as Rick Simpson Oil and when cannabis was just a mainstream thing for people back then. Rick was working in the hospital’s boiler room along with strong aerosol glue. Since the room was poorly ventilated, toxic fumes resulted in a temporary shock, causing him to fall off his ladder, hit his head and lay unconscious on the ground.

His regular medications had very little to no effect on his symptoms which got worse over time. He inquired about medical marijuana from his doctors after being fascinated after watching a documentary on the benefits of cannabis. Later on, in 2003 he noticed three strange bumps on his arm and to his horror he was diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma, a form of skin cancer.

He knew that THC could kill the cancerous cells and inhibit the growth of the new ones in the body. He decided to treat his skin conditions by applying concentrated cannabis oil on a bandage and letting the spots rest underneath the bandage with it for a few days. However, his doctor did not agree to consider this as a form of treatment due to lack of enough pieces of evidence that stated medical marijuana to be a life-saving drug. But after four days, the spots had disappeared entirely which made Simpson believe in the real potential of CBD essential oil.

What Is Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) And How To Use It?

Designed by formulated by Rick Simpson and now sold by various CBD oil distributors, this oil is known to be the most concentrated form of cannabis oil. It can be easily prepared at home (provided medical marijuana is legal in your state or country) using a handful of ingredients like dried cannabis material, 99% isopropyl alcohol (Butane, Ethanol or any solvent), a deep bowl, bucket, wooden stick to mix the content, a rice cooker and a cheesecloth.

RSO is pretty easy to use, although your physician won’t recommend using cannabis as a medical treatment for all the obvious reasons. However, you can use this CBD essential oil at your own risk. You can gradually have 60 grams of RSO over a period of 90 days.

Week 1 should start by having three doses every day. Also, every dose shouldn’t be more than a size of rice grain. During the second week, doses should be doubled every four days. It will nearly take between three and five weeks for an average person to reach the full dosage of 1 gm of Rick Simpson Oil per day.

Since the taste of RSO is a bit awful and bitter, you can try masking it with other foods to help it taste better.

