Adventures in AI: Episode Six “Comedians on AI Telling ‘Jokes’”

Joe Tripician
5 min readDec 12, 2022


GPT Prompt: Write a stand-up comedy routine about AI in the style of George Carlin.

George Carlin’s head on a robot body.

Hi everyone, have you ever thought about AI and how it’s changing the world we live in? It’s pretty amazing when you think about it. But then again, sometimes it’s just plain scary.

For example, have you ever had one of those moments where you’re talking to your smart speaker, and you start to wonder if it’s actually listening to you? Like, you’re standing there in your living room, asking it to play some music, and you start to think, “Is this thing recording my every word? Is it judging me? Is it going to take over the world and enslave us all?!”

And then you remember, no, it’s just a machine. It doesn’t have feelings or thoughts or dreams. It’s just a collection of algorithms and circuits and sensors, programmed to do one thing: make your life easier.

But then again, sometimes I think it’s doing the opposite. Like, have you ever tried to ask a smart speaker to do something really specific, like, “Hey, play the song that goes, ‘I wanna dance with somebody, who loves me’ by Whitney Houston,” and it gets it wrong every single time?

It’s like, come on AI, you’re supposed to be smart! How hard is it to play one freaking song?! And don’t even get me started on the autocorrect on my phone. Half the time I feel like I’m talking to a drunk person who’s trying to type with their toes.

But I guess that’s just the nature of AI. It’s not perfect. It’s still learning, just like we are. And maybe one day it will be so advanced that it will be able to understand us better than we understand ourselves.

But until then, I’m just going to enjoy the little things it can do for me, like turn on the lights and make me a cup of coffee. Because at the end of the day, AI is just a tool. It’s up to us to use it wisely, and not let it take over our lives.

Thanks for listening, and remember, don’t let the robots steal your soul.

Disclaimer: Except for the prompts, all text and images were created by Open AI.

GPT Prompt: Write a comedy routine about AI in the style of Richard Pryor.

Richard Pryor with a robot head and body.

Okay, here’s a comedy routine about AI in the style of Richard Pryor.

Walking on stage, grabbing microphone

Hey, hey, hey! How’s everybody doing tonight?

Audience cheers

I’ve been thinking about this whole AI thing, you know? They keep telling us that robots are going to take over the world and put us all out of work. But let me tell you, I ain’t scared of no robot!

Audience laughs

I mean, sure, they can do some pretty impressive things. They can beat us at chess, or drive a car better than we can. But when it comes to the really important stuff, robots just can’t compete.

Pacing back and forth

Like, have you ever seen a robot try to dance? It’s hilarious! They just stand there, all stiff and awkward, like a cardboard box with legs. And don’t even get me started on their sense of humor.

Putting on robotic voice

“Why did the robot cross the road? To calculate the probability of success.”

Audience groans

See what I mean? No sense of humor at all. And don’t even get me started on their love lives.

Pretending to be a robot

“I’m sorry, I cannot engage in physical intimacy. My programming does not include that function.”

Audience laughs

And don’t even get me started on their taste in music.

Pretending to be a robot

“I’m sorry, I cannot enjoy music. My auditory sensors are not capable of detecting the emotional content of sound waves.”

Audience laughs

But you know what really gets me? The way they try to act like they’re all superior, like they’re the future and we’re just a bunch of dumb humans.

Pacing back and forth, getting more and more animated

But let me tell you, robots will never be as good as us at one thing: living. They can’t feel emotions, they can’t experience love or joy or pain. They can’t create, they can’t imagine. They’re just machines, and they’ll never be anything more.

Pointing at audience

So don’t you worry about those robots taking over the world. We humans, we’re the real deal. And we’ll always be one step ahead of those clunky, clunky machines.

Audience cheers and applauds

Dropping microphone, walking off stage

Thanks, thanks, you’ve been a great audience. Good night!

Disclaimer: Except for the prompts, all text and images were created by Open AI.

GPT Prompt: Write a comedy routine about AI in the style of Sam Kinison.

Sam Kinison’s head on a robot’s body.

Okay, here’s a comedy routine about AI in the style of Sam Kinison:

“Hey, have you guys heard about this AI stuff? It’s like, the future of humanity, right? But let me tell you, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

“I mean, have you seen these AI assistants? They’re supposed to be so smart, but they can’t even hold a conversation. It’s like talking to a robot with a vocabulary of a 2-year-old.

“And don’t even get me started on the job market. AI is taking over, man. It’s like, why bother going to college and getting a degree when a machine can do your job better and cheaper? It’s insane.

“But you know what’s even crazier? The fact that people are actually starting to fall in love with their AI assistants. I mean, come on! It’s a machine, for crying out loud. It doesn’t have feelings. It doesn’t have a soul.

“But hey, I guess that’s the world we live in now. AI is the future, and there’s nothing we can do about it. So let’s just sit back, crack open a cold one, and watch the world burn. Cheers!”

Disclaimer: Except for the prompts, all text and images were created by Open AI.



Joe Tripician

EMMY-award winning Writer-Producer-Director. Was transmedia before that term was coined. Read his books: