tail -f to the web-browser

Joe Walnes
2 min readMar 3, 2015

Ever wanted to pipe “tail -f” to a web-page? Here’s a one liner…

On the server

$ (echo -e ‘HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\nContent-type: text/event-stream\n’ && tail -f /path/to/some/file | sed -u -e ‘s/^/data: /;s/$/\n/’) | nc -l 1234

That should all be on a single line.

Note: This is for the GNU version of Sed, typically found in Linux distros. If using the BSD version of Sed (e.g. on a Mac), this won’t work.

In the browser

new EventSource("http://host:1234/").onmessage = function(e) {

To try it, run the above server command (changing the path and port), pop open a browser and paste the JavaScript into the developer tools console (changing the host and port).

What’s going on?

This uses Server-Sent Events (a.k.a. EventSource), a standard HTML feature. It’s not as widely known as WebSockets, but it’s much simpler. It uses vanilla HTTP to stream messages down to a browser which can process them upon arrival, without the need for polling or nasty hacks.

EventSource is supported in all major browsers (except one — betcha’ can’t guess which).

The server side command uses netcat to listen on a port. The output of “tail -f” to is piped to netcat which it will send to the remote TCP port on receiving a connection. Of course the browser won’t understand this, so the echo adds valid HTTP response headers and the sed command converts the tail lines into valid Server-Sent Event packets.

Should you use this?

Uhhh no, not really. It was a fun exercise.

Use it in a pinch, but there are many things wrong with it. For example, it’ll only allow a single connection. And it starts tailing before the connection is received so if you’re not expecting a connection for a while it’ll eat memory. Oh and there’s absolutely no authentication there — another browser may connect before you do.

Okay, what should I use instead?

Use websocketd.

$ websocketd --port 1234 tail -f /path/to/file

I’m on the Twitters.



Joe Walnes

Software and hardware. Designer. Developer. Maker. Inventor. Procrastinator.