8 reasons you should be messaging your crush on Snapchat.

Joe Wernig
3 min readJan 9, 2017


  1. Messages need to be opened to be read: Because Snapchat makes the user open the app to view the message the other person is required to put in a little bit of effort to read the message, thus they become more invested in you. And let’s make a note of how the “”Your Crush” is typing….” notification Snapchat sends you before the actual message gets there does an amazing job of building the user’s anticipation.
  2. Messages disappear once they have been opened: Now, that your crush has gone through the effort of opening your message they have to respond to it right away or it’s gone forever. This forces snapchat users to think of faster responses and creates a much better back and forth banter between two people which builds attraction much better than someone waiting around and consulting their friends trying to think of the “perfect response” to a text message.
  3. No regret: In the end, snapchat messages always disappear. Not saying that you should go out of your way to say dumb things or message your crush while hammered but if you happen to, chances are what you said will be forgotten about by the next morning since there is no way to look back at the archives. Ultimately, Snapchat is where your crush can share shocking and hilarious pictures/messages with intimate groups rather than the world.
  4. Make him or her feel special: People have a habit of taking Snapchats and sending them out to multiple people at once. In order to make the object of your affection feel special, send them snaps that you don’t post in your Story and make sure you let them know in the caption that they were taken specifically for them.
  5. More creative messaging interface: I realize Apple has been adding some cool stuff to iMessage but this was all inspired by snapchat. The ability to add all kinds of emoji’s, stickers, images, and bitmojis can totally change the dynamic of a conversation with your crush for the better.
  6. Easy conversation starters: We’ve all been there on a lazy Sunday afternoon wanting to text someone we like but weren’t sure how to start the conversation. Thankfully, snapchat gives us some material to work with. If your crush has a story posted, go to it and send them a message commenting on something in their story. Seriously! Comment on anything. They will almost ALWAYS respond. While doing my due diligence for this article I messaged twenty people over this past weekend, always making a comment about something on their story and 17 out of 20 messaged me back and I had nice extended conversations with most of them. All through Snapchat message! It’s unbelievable how easy it was!
  7. People want what they can’t have: On snapchat, images and messages disappear so there is no holding on to them forever. The nature of humans to want what they can’t have makes us treasure these messages and pictures much more than we would if they sat in our inbox forever. Seriously, who do you like more? The person that sends you a text every day or the person that snapchats you every day.
  8. You can be yourself: What disappearing messages and the snapchat UX allow you to do with your crush is really be yourself. The spontaneous nature of the app maps to you and your crush being more spontaneous with each other. And is there anything more attractive than that?

