Thriving Through Change: How to Adapt Your Business Culture in Turbulent Times | Joey Klein of Inner Matrix Systems

Joey Klein
1 min readJust now


“As the owner or manager of a business, the way you show up everyday sets the tone and the culture for everybody else. If you’re coming to work feeling fearful or overwhelmed or filled with anxiety, even without saying a word, these are the emotions you are conveying to your workforce. Like a virus infecting its host, your emotional state will permeate through the work environment. Humans, by nature, are empathic creatures. We all have mirror neurons in our brains that allow us to simulate not only the actions we observe in others, but also the intentions and emotions behind those actions. So if you walk into a room a nervous wreck because that deadline is looming, everyone in your radius is going to pick up that emotional frequency, even if you manage to cobble together some positive things to say. Most likely though, your words and actions are going to be informed by your emotional state and will contribute to a stressful environment. On top of that, your staff, your co-workers, and your partners will absorb the signal you’re putting out and pass it on down the line.”




Joey Klein

Joey Klein and his company, Inner Matrix Systems, train high achievers in the Art & Science of Personal Mastery.