Discovering the Zen of Python: Lessons 1–10

While it’s not mandatory to follow Python’s Zen, it’s highly recommended to keep its principles in mind. If you ever find yourself in need of a refresher, simply type “import this” into your Python interpreter and let the Zen guide you back on track. Stay true to the Zen, and watch your code transcend to the next level!

5 min readFeb 20, 2023

1. Beautiful is better than ugly.

As a programmer, you possess highly valuable skills that enable you to solve complex problems using code. However, as a Pythonista, your responsibilities extend beyond mere problem-solving. Python’s remarkable rise to fame can be attributed to its simplicity, readability, and elegance, making it a highly accessible programming language. Therefore, as a Python developer, you have a duty to uphold the Pythonic standard by writing beautiful code.💇‍♀️

2. Explicit is better than implicit.

It’s like trying to explain a joke by saying “it’s self-explanatory” — not everyone will get it, but some people will still do it anyway. The rule of “explicit is better than implicit” in programming means that it’s better to spell things out clearly in your code rather than hiding them behind mysterious language. 🔮Make sure your code is straightforward and easy to understand for anyone who comes across it, even if they have no previous knowledge of your program. Don’t leave them scratching their heads like they just heard a bad joke! 🤨😠

3. Simple is better than complex.

Don’t use a super complex solution for a simple problem! It’s like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut — totally impractical and could cause more harm than good. So don’t overcomplicate things just to show off — keep it simple and elegant, just like Python!

4. Complex is better than complicated.

When it comes to problem-solving, it’s important to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity. For instance, washing plates with a jet wash is like using a bazooka to kill a fly — overkill! But cleaning a 4x4 Range Rover requires more than just running tap water — sometimes a jet wash is the best tool for the job. So, remember to favor simplicity where possible, but don’t be afraid to use more complex techniques when the situation calls for it. By knowing the limits of simplicity, you’ll be able to solve problems effectively without overcomplicating things.🤯

5. Flat is better than nested.

Programmers love to categorize like it’s a hobby! But sometimes, putting your code in too many subcategories is like trying to find your phone in a backpack full of pockets. 🎒Keeping it simple with a top-level module means less time searching for the right file and more time making magic happen. So, if you’re feeling like your code is becoming a labyrinth of sub-sub-subcategories, take a step back and ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Keep it flat, keep it easy, and keep on coding!✌️

6. Sparse is better than dense.

Programmers are known for their brains🧠, but that doesn’t mean you need to show off with over-the-top hacks. The classic “one line to rule them all” may seem cool, but sacrificing readability for brevity is a no-no.🙅‍♂️ Don’t make your code a puzzle that no one can solve. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity, even if it takes a few extra lines. Your code will be easier to understand, maintain, and debug in the long run. So, let your brain shine through your smart solutions, not your fancy one-liners.

7. Readability counts.

When naming your Python variables and functions, choose descriptive names that are easy to read and understand. 🤓Avoid abbreviations or overly-shortened versions of words.🧐 For instance, if you have a variable that stores the name of a person, choose a name like “person_name” instead of “per_nm”. This will make your code more readable, and easier to understand for anyone who needs to review or modify it in the future.

8. Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.

Python, like programming in general, has many best practices to follow. Adhering to these practices results in consistent, readable code. Ignoring them often leads to code that is unreadable and inconsistent. It is advisable to stick to best practices rather than doing it your own way.👍

9. Although practicality beats purity.

Think of programming best practices like a recipe. While following the recipe is important, sometimes you might have to add your own secret ingredient to make it taste just right. 🌟The same goes for coding! Lesson nine is all about finding that sweet spot between following best practices and being creative. If deviating from the rules makes your code more readable and easier to understand, go for it! Just like a pinch of salt can make a dish pop, a little creativity can make your code stand out.🧂

10. Errors should never pass silently.

In programming, a silent error occurs when a program returns an error code or None instead of raising an exception. But just like in life, sometimes it’s better to let it all out! If your program crashes and burns, at least you know something went wrong. Silencing errors might seem like a quick fix, but it can come back to bite you later on. Don’t let those pesky bugs hide in the shadows, bring them to the light and squash them before they cause more trouble!🪲

Hear Me OUT…

Are you eagerly awaiting the other 9 principles?😫 Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our team of coding wizards is hard at work, crafting the next installment of our epic series. So sit back, relax, and enjoy that cup of coffee.☕ We’ll be bringing you the best tips, tricks, and insights to take your programming game to the next level. Get those typing fingers ready, because the next blog is coming soon and you won’t want to miss it!

