You’re Losing Hair Because of Your Diet, Not Your Genes

5 min readJul 8, 2019

You could fix this right now. And no, a hair vitamin gummy off Instagram won’t help.

1977: The Year That Ruined America

In 1977, new dietary guidelines were released that monumentally shifted the standard American diet (abbreviated SAD). In 1977, we stopped eating butter, we stopped eating saturated fats, and we started hating on animal products. In 1977, the obesity epidemic began.


Absolutely f*cking not.

Ever since the year 1977 when the wretched anti-fat propaganda began, the obesity rate has risen steadily at about .5% per year. But, this shift in diet didn’t just make us fat, it made us bald and sluggish.

Hair Loss

Male-pattern baldness is hereditary, but it’s rare for it to begin in your 20’s.

So, why is there a dubious amount of college students raking handfuls of hair from their scalps in the shower every day? Why are men in their 20’s complaining of “diffuse” hair loss, a form of hair loss normally unrelated to male pattern baldness?

I’ll tell you one thing. It’s not evolution.

Evolution is not visible between immediate generations. Anatomically correct humans evolved…

