6 Kitchen appliances essential for healthy cooking

Joginder Singh
5 min readAug 29, 2022

It is essential to prioritize your health. Although, eating healthy food doesn’t mean giving up your favorite food. It should be focused on how to minimize the use of oil, help retain nutrients, and lower exposure to natural carcinogens. It’s simple to create a healthier version of your favorite meals.

Kitchen Appliances

Tips for Healthy Cooking

Many people want to opt for healthy cooking but find it challenging to start their fitness journey. The truth is that maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult. It is totally possible to eat the foods you love and still nourish your body. Below we have given some tips for healthy cooking.

● Keep Fats to a Minimum: Limit your intake of processed food and go for lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Choose healthier options than fatty food. Choose food like nuts, seeds, fish, soy, olives, avocados, etc., as they include essential long-chain fatty acids and other good nutrients accompanying these fats.

● Shop for Healthy Food: Choose the low-fat version of food if possible Choose lean meat cuts rather than plant-based, processed meat. Limit fast foods, chips, pastries, pies, and all that contain a large amount of fat.

● Low-Fat Cooking: While cooking, try cooking spray oils or use a pastry brush to use the minimum amount of oil. Try cooking in liquids like stock, wine, lemon juice, vinegar, or water instead of oil.

● Retain The Nutrients: Water soluble vitamins are delicate and easily destroyed during preparation and cooking. To minimize the nutrient losses, scrub vegetables rather than peeling them, as many nutrients are found close to the skin — microwave or steam vegetables instead of boiling them.

General Suggestion for Healthy Cooking

● You can microwave, braise, grill, steam, bake, or boil your meal.

● Modify or eliminate recipes that include butter or other high-fat ingredients.

● Avoid added oils and butter; use non-stick cookware.

Rice Cooker

Kitchen Appliances Essential for Healthy Cooking

When opting for a healthy lifestyle, we tend to focus on diets but forget about the quality of the food. Along with ingredients, we should also focus on kitchen appliances that can aid us with the same. Want to ensure a convenient, unhindered supply of healthy food? Here are six kitchen appliances that can help in healthy cooking.

● Rice Cookers: With a rice cooker, making rice becomes an easy process, where you get perfect, tasty, and adequately prepared rice every time. You have to pour water and rice and set the time; the rest of the work will be done automatically, and you don’t have to care about undercooked or overcooked rice.

Casserole Set: Food prepared in Forza cast-iron-pre-seasoned casserole will give the authentic traditional taste to your cooking. Indian cooking is packed with flavors, and cast iron helps to enhance those flavors. Cast-iron is very strong and sturdy. 100% vegetable oil is used to season a cast-iron dish. This enables the iron to come into contact with your food directly and provides you with a daily serving of iron that is healthful. After using, wipe with a bit of oil to keep them rust-free.

● Induction Cooktop: Induction Cooktops are more energy efficient than gas because heat isn’t lost in transferring processes. Quite a bit of energy is wasted to the surrounding air while using gas or electric ranges. Only the cookware heats with induction, which ultimately results in energy and financial savings. Induction cooktops maintain a cool cooking surface. Since only the pan gets hot, a hot lament will never be exposed, preventing fire hazards and the risk of burns in the first place. With an induction cooktop, it is safer to cook around children.

● Air Fryer: Air frying is healthier than frying in oil. Using an air fryer cuts calories by 70 -80% and has much less fat. This cooking method also reduces some harmful effects of frying in the oil. An air fryer can cook almost everything you typically fry in oil, such as chicken, vegetables, onion rings, French fries, cheese sticks, fish, doughnuts, and much more. An air fryer can create crispy food ideally in a much healthier way.

● Juicer: The Cold press juicer brings the goodness of enzymes and vitamins. Now have a perfectly healthy start to your day with fresh fruit juices full of nutrients, and always keep your family fit. A good cold press juicer can quiz fruits, vegetables, nuts and even beans, making it the perfect partner for detox. A regular juicer heats up the fruits, leading to a loss of nutrients, while a cold press juicer uses high pressure, keeping all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes intact.

● Egg Boiler: Boil your eggs to perfection within just 6–9 minutes, depending on your preference for half-boiled, soft-boiled, or hard-boiled eggs. The Wonderchef egg boiler comes with a measuring cup that is marked with three water levels for preferred texture. You can set the time for eggs to cook according to your preferences. When the eggs are ready, the buzzer alarm rings. It is very safe to use as it comes with an auto switch-off and a safely cut-off aluminum heating plate to prevent mishaps.

Cold Press Juicer


If you are heading towards a healthy lifestyle, making a few small changes can get you moving in the right direction. Although healthy eating may differ for everyone, the key is a balanced diet, nutrient-dense food, and low-processed food. I hope this will help you on your health journey.

Title: A Guide On Choosing Essential Kitchen Appliances

Description: Before choosing the kitchen appliances for healthy cooking, consider the range of options offered by Wonderchef.



Joginder Singh

Hi am Joginder Singh, I have best types of high quality kitchen appliances as well as we have best deals on any kind of appliances with affordable price range.