
Substitute — Fruit Snacks

Seth Johnson
4 min readNov 12, 2015
Cheese Snacks
  • Vegetable Snacks (flavored and shaped like vegtables — carrots, etc))
  • {Pictured} Cheese snacks (Different flavors of cheese in cartoon cheese wedge shapes)
  • Spice snacks (cinnamon, ginger, etc)
  • Chocolate snacks (Sounds generic- Different bite-sized flavors, filled with peanut butter, caramel, etc)
  • Meat snacks (different jerked meats, like pork, beef, chicken, etc)
  • Actual dried fruit pieces
  • Different nuts carved with the names of the nuts
  • Different pieces of flavored bubble gum shaped like fruitsnacks
  • Fructose snacks — globs of sugary goodness
  • Pasta Snacks – different cooked noodles


Fruit Snacks and Caramel
  • Fruit Snacks and nuts
  • Fruit Snacks and chocolate
  • Fruit Snacks in Ice Cream
  • Fruit Snack Cookies
  • Fruit Snacks in trail mix
  • Fruit snacks and cheese!
  • Fruit snacks and milk
  • {Pictured} Fruit Snacks and caramel
  • Fruit Snacks roasted over a campfire with s’more ingredients
  • Fruit Snacks mixed with Jelly Beans


Fruit Snacks coated in Cinnamon
  • Fill Fruit Snacks with liquid
  • Make Fruit Snacks by freezing juice
  • Baked Fruit Snacks
  • Coat Fruit Snacks in salt
  • {Pictured} Coat Fruit Snacks in cinnamon
  • Flute Snacks — Fruit snacks that make music when you blow in them
  • Make fruitsnacks flat and adhesive
  • Fruitsnacks on a stick
  • Carbonated Fruitsnacks
  • Woven fruitsnacks

Magnify/Modify — Fruitsnacks

Giant Fruit Snacks
  • {Pictured} Giant Fruit snacks: fruit-sized gummy fruit snacks
  • Long strips of fruit snack
  • Small, bead-sized fruitsnacks
  • Chip-bag sized servings
  • Extra Chewy Fruitsnacks
  • Extra Giant Fruitsnacks- Cake-sized
  • Clear tubes of fruit snacks
  • Hollow fruit snacks
  • Uniform square shapes
  • All the same color fruit snacks

Put to Other Use — Lunchables

Cookie Baking Punchable
  • Breakfast Lunchables
  • Dessert Lunchables
  • {Pictured} Cookie baking materials
  • Use container for nuts, bolts, etc
  • Use small food materials for catering a child’s party
  • Use for hospital meals to give patiants a chance to “prepare their own meals”
  • Use non-parishable lunchables as a meal for homeless
  • Use as a base for a more complicated meal.
  • Use tray for sorting LEGO pieces
  • Use tray for mixing paints

Eliminate — Trail Mix

Trail Mix in a Cup
  • Eliminate salt
  • Eliminate bags
  • Eliminate nuts
  • Eliminate sweets
  • Eliminate fruits
  • Eliminate the drying process for the fruits
  • {Pictured} Eliminate the need to touch the trailmix by putting it in a cup
  • Eliminate the packaging by sticking it all together
  • Eliminate “mix” by just making it one ingredient
  • Eliminate “trail” by making it with things you shouldn’t eat on a hike

Reverse/Rearrange — Trail Mix

  • Have individual bags of each ingredient
  • Make a mix of things that look like stuff you’d find on a trail: food that looks like dirt, grass, pine needles, etc
  • Have ingredients in organized pattern
  • Have Ingredients in organized layers
  • Mixed Trails: each piece of trailmix has the name of a different famous trail on it

Table Based Tool or TRIZ

I’d like to use TRIZ.

My problem statement is:

Sarah, a working mom, needs a snack that has the appeal of sugary commercial foods while not amping up their energy because her kids just don’t get excited about sandwiches and fruit.

My contradiction would ideally be something along the lines of:

Appeal [of snack] vs. health[iness of snack]

Unfortunately, the TRIZ Parameters all seem to be mechanical in nature, rather than psychological or nutritional.

I skimmed through the following site:

Finally, I just read through the list on and picked some principles that seemed appropriate.

3 Ideas from Table Based Tool or TRIZ

  • Principle 22: “Blessing in Disguise”
    Since kids get excited by the colorful packaging on unhealthy cereals, sodas, and candy, we should package healthy organic things in exciting packaging as well.
  • Principle 19: Periodic Action
    Since kids can feel bored with healthy food, perhaps snacks should be alternated with the less healthy snacks kids get excited about.
  • Principle 16: Partial Action
    Since kids can feel bored with healthy food, perhaps only some elements of the snack food should be organic as kids get used to them.


Auto-Milk Cereal to Go
Egg Shapes
S’More Quessadilla
Carrot Bricks
Cracker Cups
Shaped Cheese Blocks
History Crackers
Fruit Puzzle Cutter
Cookie Baking Punchable
Fruit Snacks and Caramel

