Misogynoir: when it’s not safe to be a black woman!

Johana Riquier
5 min readOct 11, 2022


Johana AKA Jojo — La Pointe Des Alamadies, Dakar Senegal

What is misogynoir?

Misogynoir is a term that black feminist scholar Moya Bailey first coined. It refers to the unique experience of black women subjected to sexism and racism. This double oppression can create a unique emotional burden and barriers to success.

It is an invisible force in all aspects of black women's lives, from the workplace to the home. In Africa, misogynoir is so pervasive that it can be challenging to identify and address. However, awareness is key. By educating ourselves and speaking out against this discrimination, we can begin to create a more inclusive and just society for all black women. We hope to overcome this insidious form of oppression by working together.

Black women have always been at the forefront of social change despite the challenges. They have used their resilience and creativity to fight against the systemic discrimination they face. In recent years, there has been a growing movement to educate others about misogynoir and its impact on black women's lives. Through education and awareness, we can begin to change the culture and create a more inclusive society for everyone.

How does this specifically affect mature women?

As any woman over 40 knows, life is not always fair. We are shouldered with an emotional burden that men do not have to deal with. Yet, we must be strong and resilient, even facing systemic discrimination and oppression. And yet, we often find ourselves underserved and underrepresented in education and culture.

This is especially true for mature women.

We are the ones who are most likely to be juggling work and family commitments while also trying to stay healthy and fit.

We are more likely to deal with chronic health conditions, including arthritis to heart disease. And we are more likely to be living on a fixed income.

In other words, we have a lot on our plates.

But despite all of these challenges, mature women are some of the most Resilient people on the planet.

We know how to get things done, and we have the wisdom that comes with age. So when life throws us a curveball, we know how to handle it.

That's why I believe that mature women are a force to be reckoned with.

We may not always get the respect or recognition we deserve, but we know how to get things done — and that's something that nobody can take away from us.

Ways to protect ourselves from misogynoir both physically and emotionally.

There is no one answer to how to protect ourselves from misogynoir. The best solution depends on each situation. However, some general principles can be helpful in many cases.

First, we must educate ourselves about the systemic nature of misogyny and its intersection with race. This knowledge can help us to understand the root causes of misogynoir and to build resilience in the face of it.

Second, we should be aware of our emotional triggers and learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with the emotional burden of living in a misogynist society.

Finally, we should cultivate a supportive community of friends and allies who can offer practical and emotional support.

By following these guidelines, we can start to create a safer world for ourselves and future generations.

The importance of speaking out against misogynoir

When I was younger, I often stayed silent when I witnessed or experienced misogynoir. I was afraid to speak up, fearful of the repercussions.

But I've realised that silence is complicity.

Misogynoir is a system of oppression that targets Black women and girls.

It's the intersection of racism and sexism, and it's something that we need to resist actively.

By speaking out against misogynoir, we can create a more inclusive and just world for everyone.

Black women and femmes are strong and resilient; we deserve respect and recognition for our contributions to society.

Through education and activism, we can change the culture and create a more equitable future for all.

Resources for further learning and support

The emotional burden of being a person of colour in the Tech and Entrepreneurship world can be overwhelming.

From the microaggressions we face daily to the systemic racism that permeates every aspect of our lives, it can be challenging to stay positive and motivated. But it is important to remember that we are not alone. Some organisations and individuals are committed to supporting us and fighting for our rights. Here are just a few resources for further learning and support: ( based in America)

-The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is one of the country's oldest and most respected civil rights organisations. They offer resources on everything from voting rights to job opportunities, and their website is a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about racism and what we can do to combat it.

-PEARLS for Teen Girls is a national organisation that provides programs and resources designed specifically for teen girls of colour. From education and career planning to mental health support, PEARLS offers a wide range of services to help young women thrive.

-Colorlines is an online newsmagazine that covers race and racial justice issues from a critical perspective. Their articles provide insights into some of the most pressing issues facing our community and offer helpful resources for further learning.

These are just a few of the many organisations and resources available to help us continue our fight against racism. By educating ourselves and others, we can build a stronger, more resilient community that is better equipped to take on the challenges we face.

I would love to know more about organisations on the African continent and Europe tackling that exact issue.

Misogynoir is a specific type of hate directed towards black women. It's rooted in racism and sexism and manifests in sexual objectification, workplace discrimination, casual violence, and more. Mature women are especially vulnerable to this kind of abuse, which is why it's so essential that we arm ourselves with knowledge and support. We can protect ourselves from misogynoir by staying aware of the warning signs, speaking out against it when we see it happening, and supporting each other. To learn more about combating misogyny, check out the resources listed below. Together, we can take a stand against this pervasive form of hatred.

Hi you, I am Johana aka JoJo. Thank you for reading today. I have started writing again and testing a new style. Please read one of my previous pieces from last week and tell me which one you prefer.

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Johana Riquier

Curvy Neurodivergent French Caribbean Bi Woman writing as grief therapy to share, inform, educate.Topics: Games Industry, Emerging Tech, Entrepreneurship & Life