3 Reasons Companies Should Be Hiring Gen Z Designers

Why I believe Gen Z designers have an advantage over others

Johanna Dempsey
5 min readSep 22, 2020

Generation Z, Gen Z for short, is the demographic group following Millennials. These individuals were born anywhere from 1996–2012, which in 2020, makes them 8 to 24 years old. According to Inc Magazine, Gen Z will make up 25% of the workforce this year. However, unlike Millennials, Gen Z is different in many ways particularly when it comes to technology and making an ethical impact.

As we head into an exponentially growing digital world, it is imperative for companies to embrace change and think creatively. Despite Gen Z’s limited workforce experience, they are one of the most resourceful and educated generations yet to come and hold strong potential to innovate the way we design digital landscapes.

1) They are native technologists & get things done

Gen Z is the only generation that grew up with technology at their fingertips, making them the only “technologically native” generation on the planet. In no way am I saying that ALL Gen Z’s are obsessed with technology, but if you give Gen Z a technology-related task, they’ll surely be able to figure it out a lot faster than any other generation. The mere exposure to products like iPhones, Minecraft, Smart TVs at such a young age gives them a competitive advantage to navigate through different interfaces.

*Technology and toys older Gen Z’s grew up with

As well as being able to figure out how an interface works, Gen Z is notoriously known for communicating using technology — particularly social media networks. According to Business Wire, 56% of Gen Z is friends with someone they ONLY know online. This means that Gen Z is not only comfortable using technology but is knowledgable on how to foster authentic connections using social media. With more and more companies going remote, there is a great advantage for onboarding a Gen Z to your team — they can clearly and quickly communicate within teams and are great at fostering authentic relationships using technology. Does this sound great UX designer— I think yes!

2) They are independent & will save you money

Because Gen Z grew up with the ultimate tool of the internet they are extremely resourceful. Whether they are Googling a new tool or watching a Youtube video, Gen Z knows how to use the internet to get things done. In fact, one of the most surprising attributes of the younger generation is that they are extremely proactive and productive. According to EY, 89% of Gen Z say they spend part of their free time in activities that are productive and creative instead of just “hanging out.” Gen Z like taking the lead on things and are ready for challenges that are thrown their way. Sound like an employee you’d like to hire?

Additionally, Gen Z’s are described as self-starters and are passionate about starting their own businesses. At such a young age, Gen Z is already thinking about their skills as technologists and how they best utilize them for maximum income. 62% of Gen Z report that they would start an online business, which reinforces their interest in entrepreneurship and tech. According to Social Change Central, a NAB report found that 44% of Gen Z believe that owning their own business is essential to success. Adding a Gen Z who is independent and proactive means that they will require little to no training — hence, saving companies a boatload of money. Unlike the habitual behaviors of Millennials, Gen Z’s are anything but lazy and sought out to do things themselves simply because they can!

Photo Credit to McKinsey & Company

In addition, Gen Z has grown up alongside the gig economy which has opened up its perspective of different means of making income. We see companies offering contracting jobs and part-time roles, reducing their spending on salary and employee benefits. No worries — Gen Z doesn’t mind. They already have 3 side gigs, which makes them a great generation to fill the jobs that millennials don’t want. As more and more companies have turned to agile design processes, it is in their best interests to pair up with Gen Z’s who value saving money, can wear many hats, and are comfortable working in fast-paced work environments.

3) They crave innovation & value authenticity

The technological changes that have occurred throughout Gen Z's lifetime have changed exponentially. From Nintendo Super Mario to Face Recognition and Virtual Reality, the technology available to this generation has seen extreme strides in terms of innovation. Not only does this set the bar higher for emerging companies to cater to Gen Z consumers, but has the Gen Z job seekers yearning for more innovative companies — and what a better way to create an innovative company than to hire an innovation expert like Gen Z!

Photo Credit to MarketingCharts

For the past years, companies have become obsessed with marketing to the Millennial generation — focusing on their idealistic way of thinking and creative abilities. However, Gen Z comes with a myriad of new ideologies and expectations. They tend to value more user-centric business practices, for example involving consumers into business solutions and having more customizable experiences with products. These expectations are a tall order, but by involving Gen Z into the business there is a large potential for creating long term business value both internally and externally.

Despite the economy taking a turn for the worst, it's important to remember that there are solutions out there — one of them being investing in Gen Z. Many Gen Z job seekers eager to help out bringing their technological skills, empathy-driven perspectives, and scrappy workstyles to the table. The only thing left do to is trust their potential to make your company succeed!

