Mental Wellness Treatment — The Truth

Johannes Jooste
2 min readJan 24, 2020


What it is, and what it isn’t — from a “first-timer’s” point of view.

Day 1 — The First Appointment: I fidget around with the file, trying to find a position where I am able to complete the rather comprehensive client information form; created to ensure that the psychiatric staff catch up with your entire pedigree within a few minutes of reading through the form. Then it begins…the ultimate question(s); the question(s) you have been asking yourself from the minute you made the appointment until sitting right in-front of the psychiatrist; staring with anticipation. “Do I really have an mental health issue? Am I just overreacting?.

The only time you “register” again is when the psychiatrist tells you: “I am afraid that is al we have time for today.” Then you wait to be told to go to the receptionist and ask for the next available appointment (just like in the movies). You quickly realize you are not in the movies when he or she tells you that you will be admitted to the mental health clinic for a period of three weeks and she hands you a piece of paper indicating their initial diagnosis (not that you really focus on what it says in this moment in time). “Please expect a call from the case managers, they will inform you of what needs to happen and when”.

An internal storm takes place within you. You experience a dictionary of emotions in a matter of seconds. “Do you have any questions” the psychiatrist asks. Your initial (internal) response “yes, I have”, but your mouth says “no, thank you”. What do you ask? You were wondering if you really need help a minute ago and the next realization is that you are being booked into a clinic….

You get home, immediately trying to catch your breath (it feels like you breath for the first time after you have been told that you are being booked in) and then you actually read your diagnosis. “Seriously?”

Keep your eyes peeled for the next part: Day 2 — The Admission

