How to Make an Iron Man Suit

Johan Ramis
25 min readFeb 26, 2019


Hey there Iron Man geeks and nerds, I got a couple of questions for ya!

Okay first question: What is the name of Iron Man 2020’s alter ego?

If you answered “Arno Stark,” then congratulations! You’re indeed a true fan of what is one of the coolest characters in the Marvel Universe. My Iron Man helmet’s off to you — salud!

Next question…

Have you ever thought of how to make an Iron Man suit? Well I’ll tell you what, with the right set of DIY Iron Man Suit instructions, you can make that happen — guaranteed.

Here‘s a pretty snazzy armor which I made — using mainly fiberglass — thanks to a bunch of Iron Man suit design blueprints found in The Iron Suit (TIS) package.

For your info, buying a fiberglass ready-made wearable Iron Man suit can be very, very costly. I came across a few of them online and each costs thousands of dollars — yikes!

Building an Iron Man suit yourself is a lot less expensive and a ton more satisfying too. Oh, and what the heck is fiberglass, you ask? I’ll cover that in another section further down the page.

Now, the TIS package showed me how to get it all done without repulsor blasting my wallet.

The instructions in TIS are presented a step at a time in crystal clear detail, with precise measurements provided; along with a number of incredibly detailed DIY Iron Man suit templates thrown in together with full email support.

Get all the details here

Yeah, that’s right folks. When you make your own Iron Man suit, and if it so happens that you hit a few bumps here and there, the guys who painstakingly put together the instructions and blueprints at TIS will get you sorted out as quickly as possible.

All you need to do is contact them via their members-only dedicated helpdesk, and questions are generally answered within 24 hours. To be honest, the tutorials are so detailed as well as easy to follow, that I only hit a couple of hitches so far.

For example, when building my first Iron Man suit, I discovered that I couldn’t properly connect the pieces of both forearms. So I contacted the helpdesk and I received a reply with the exact solution in just several hours.

My other issue was replied to slightly more than 12 hours later though. So far, I’m pleased with their quality of support; while the same cannot be said about other guides that I tried prior to discovering the TIS package (I’ll also talk about them later down the page).

So, what’s included in TIS’s DIY Iron Man Suit Instructions Package?

A full-blown list of tools and materials needed to make your own Iron Man suit (All can be purchased from DIY or hardware stores).

Complete and very beginner-friendly guide on making SIX different ultra-cool and super eye-catching Iron Man suits including Mark 4, Mark 6, Mark 42, Mark 45, Mark 47, and War Machine!

The tutorials are not exclusively in text, mind you. You will also receive comprehensive step-by-step instructional images along with direct, do-this-and-do-that video tutorials.

And don’t forget, the members-only dedicated online support.

NOTE: From time to time, the makers will update the members’ area with instructions on making new suits.

When I first locked in my membership, there were only guides and templates for Mark 4, Mark 6, and Mark 42. Over time, the guys at TIS added all the goodies for making the other three suits.

Several sets of highly detailed DIY Iron Man suit templates in 3D. The 3D files are available for all six suits and they are completely precise, clear, and professionally made.

Software viewer to view all the 3D files and also for printing out the pieces of each suit.

The complete tutorials and templates for making an armor worn by the uber cool Master Chief of the legendary Halo video game franchise!

Note: I haven’t tried making the Master Chief armor yet because I’m not that big on the Halo series unlike my younger brother. Halo 2 and Halo: Reach are both incredible games in my opinion, but the other installments didn’t quite cut it for me.

Anyway, if you’re into both Iron Man and Halo, then more power to you.

Update: My brother is currently working on whipping up that Master Chief armor! As of this writing, he’s developing the helmet and you can see the work in progress below.

We’ll post an update with a picture of the fully wearable suit once he has completed it.

So anyway, with all these newbie-friendly components included in one easy to access package, there’s absolutely no doubting that just about anyone can learn how to build an Iron Man suit, and over a period of time, be really, really, good at it.

Once you’ve got the knack for it, who knows? Perhaps you can start taking orders for making the suits, and naturally, charge premium prices for them.

Or perhaps, you could rent out a suit and charge an hourly rate. Really, there are folks who are interested in wearing it at conventions and parties for fun and also for making extra cash.

Attendees at parties and geeky events would generally be open to the idea of getting their pictures snapped with someone donning a cool and realistic looking Iron Man suit. In return, the wearer would charge a buck or two — maybe even a few bucks for each picture (for sure, there are those who don’t mind paying up).

Depending on the amount traffic, one could actually make a decent chunk of cash per hour just by posing with attendees/tourists who are eager to have their photos taken next to a guy (or gal) all suit up looking like a real life Iron Man, and sharing those photos on their social media accounts.

Of course, you could do this too.

Put the suit on and head over to a happening spot with tourists and street performers out and about. All you got to do is start walking around and let people know of your paid photo opportunity.

Another way is to wear that DIY Iron Man suit of yours and get paid to entertain kids at birthday parties. You can advertise your services on Craigslist, Facebook, and the like.

In my case, though, I simply enjoy the process of creating Iron Man suits. I would wear them at conventions and cosplays…nope, I don’t charge for photo ops — yet!

Here’s another suit in progress.

Honest to God folks, it’s not like I’m genetically gifted in the art of crafting superhero suits. I was never even good at making a decent looking paper plane for crying out loud.

The guides, templates, and online support found in the members’ area of TIS gave me all the chops that have enabled me to confidently put together a variety of detailed and realistic looking wearable fiberglass Iron Man suits.

With a bit of time and patience, TIS’s Iron Man suit design blueprints and tutorials will bestow you those chops as well.

Find out more about the TIS package

What Made Me So Intent on Figuring Out How to Make an Iron Man Suit Even Though I Suck at Crafting

Okay, this is very much boring crap but if you’re interested to know, sure, keep on reading then.

You see, I became interested in making the suit since way back in 2008…

Prior to that year, Hollywood had used (and unfortunately in some cases abused) an assortment of Marvel characters. Sadly, Iron Man was never included in the starting lineup.

The idea of making an Iron Man movie was mooted by a number of filmmakers over the years, ultimately however, the effort, money, and time was invested into other characters derived from Stan Lee’s imagination.

Then 2008 came upon us…

Oh, how awesome it was for us long-time fans, back then, to see Iron Man in his very own silver screen feature which became the most buzzed-about film of that year.

Robert Downey Jr. played Iron Man’s alter ego, Tony Stark, to perfection. The screen time featuring his egocentric swagger and wealthy playboy charm is almost preferable to the scenes of him donning the iconic suit.

And so, after seeing the first Iron Man film for the third time at the theaters and driving my then girlfriend bonkers in the process (told her not to come for the third viewing but she still wanted to tag along anyhow), I wondered, is it possible to build an Iron Man suit?

As per usual whenever I wish to figure stuff out, I turned to the internet. And the internet I explored and before long, I discovered loads of guides, tutorials, etc. on the subject matter.

Unfortunately, though, they were incredibly complex and confusing! Perusing through some of them, I couldn’t help thinking that I might have to obtain an engineering degree just to figure out how to put together a frickin’ fan-made Iron Man suit!

I also purchased a few supposedly “easy-to-follow” guides, but they were just terrible. The quality of instructions, support, and templates in those guides do not even come close to the ones offered by the TIS package.

In the end, I simply gave up. The guides that I bought were complete crap and my pessimism started to rear its ugly head which got me thinking, “Wow what the heck am I doing here? I’m rubbish at crafting. I can’t even make a proper paper plane and here I’m thinking of building an Iron Man suit? FUGGEDABOUTIT!”

Fast forward about 5 years later to 2013 which saw the release of Iron Man 3. The scene where he called upon his assortment of Iron Man suits to render air support via J.A.R.V.I.S remote control was a feast for the eyes.

It was also during that scene that my interest in how to build an actual Iron Man suit rekindled. So back online I went, waded through a bunch more convoluted guides, tutorials, etc., clicked on a couple links here, a couple there, until finally, was directed to the Iron Suit package (TIS) website.

Being a paid package, I was naturally hesitant initially, but I wanted so much to make a wearable Iron Man suit and the site claims that it’ll show me how to go about it in the most beginner-friendly way possible.

So what the heck, I decided to pull the trigger and become a member of the TIS package. I rationalized that if the package turns out to be garbage like the other paid guides I downloaded previously; I’ll simply fall back on the 60-day money back guarantee advertised on the site.

Thankfully, the TIS package turned out to be a real gem. My regret about it is that I wish I had stumbled upon it sooner — though the site wasn’t around in 2008.

By the way, this is not a monthly subscription package. You pay only once to become a lifetime member, and you will be able to acquire all the goodies in the members’ area.

So, check out the link above the image you see below to access all the comprehensive step-by-step guides (detailed text, images, and videos), templates, ongoing online support, etc.

Take one step at a time and pretty soon, you’ll be able to make your own Iron Man suit and be super proud of your creation — even if the suit can’t actually fly like in the comics and movies.

Oh man, how I wish I could create one that could actually fly!

Oh well, although the package may not be able to guide you on how to make Iron Man suit that can fly, people will still look at you in awe thanks to your astonishingly detailed and realistic fiberglass DIY Iron Man suit.

Access the TIS package here

Wait…Building an Iron Man Suit with Fiberglass? What The Heck Is Fiberglass?

The cover-all tutorials found in the TIS package will show you exactly how to make an Iron Man suit using fiberglass, but what on earth is fiberglass?

Well, fiberglass is a very versatile material capable of fulfilling a wide range of job applications.

No matter what your project is — whether you are a designer or a builder — fiberglass should be on your materials consideration list.

This material has so many functional advantages and is widely used to manufacture motorboats and produce spare automobile components that are totally rust-free. Fiberglass may also be found in countless of buildings and often in very unusual places.

Here is a bit of trivia: Did you know that you can find companies out there which specialize in the production of church steeples and crosses completely made out of fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a material that should be employed when absolute accuracy (like constructing and designing highly intricate superhero suits) is required, or when you want to construct something that needs to be protected against extreme conditions. This naturally applies to items that have to be kept outdoors.

Building your Iron Man suit from fiberglass is one of the best ways to protect it against extremely low or even very high temperatures, and may also defuse harmful ultraviolet rays.

Fiberglass may also be used to insulate a wide range of items in order to protect them from corrosion or fire, various extreme temperatures, and for bumping up their durability.

Fiberglass primary characteristic is the material’s extraordinary usability as well as its durability. It’s a pleasantly flexible material, very tough, and requires minimal to practically no maintenance at all.

As well as all of that, it has a wide application in both commercial and domestic purposes. Next time you need some constructing or designing work done, fiberglass might just be the material that would satisfy your requirements.

Avoid These Make Your Own Iron Man Suit Guides — They Suck!

The A to Z on How to Build an Actual Iron Man Suit

What a major let down! With a title like “The A to Z on How to Build an Actual Iron Man Suit”, I was expecting a good deal of pictures and lucid instructions presented a single step at a time. However, what I got instead was just a handful of blurry images and a set of dreadfully haphazard instructions that even the genius that is Tony Stark would have a hard time fathoming.

I knew this guide was going to be an absolute stinker the moment I laid eyes on the first ridiculously blurry instructional image. At the end of the guide, there’s a high quality image (finally!) that depicts the end product in its full glory.

Yes, the author’s Iron Man suit look fantastic, but it’s sort of pointless because there’s no way I could construct a suit that’s even a fraction as good since the guide is so poorly put together.

The instructions pretty much borders on soul-destroying as the author takes a lifetime to explain how to create each part of the suit, and his explanations are straight up perplexing.

I wish the author had included some videos to help me understand how everything goes together, but instead, I received a link to view a slideshow type video showing the author’s Iron Man suit in an assortment of angles.

Aside from the unhelpful video and instructions, you also get some 3D files for creating a single type of Iron Man suit. The unfortunate thing here is that even the 3D files look like they were carelessly slapped together.

Well, at least the customer support works great. Less than 24 hours after I purchased the guide, I contacted the author of the guide for a refund and he promptly returned my money which I paid via PayPal.

The A to Z on How to Build an Actual Iron Man Suit is plainly nowhere near on par with the TIS package.

DIY Iron Man Armors 4 Idiots

Well, here’s one thing’s for certain: There’s absolutely no shortage of idiotic DIY guides out there! DIY Iron Man Armor 4 Idiots tries to be a helpful, easy-to-follow instructional guide, but it’s so riddled with faults, I can’t help but ponder what on earth was the author thinking when he put together this atrocity.

The author claims that his guide will show you how create 4 different types of realistic suits of armor, and the site is peppered with pictures of fairly impressive looking DIY Iron Man suits.

Upon reading the guide I found that only one of the suits looks decent enough, while the rest feature pretty out-there designs such as silly spike-like stuff on the shoulder pads, Stormtrooper-esque helmet, and short tentacle-like things sticking out the arms ala the X-Men villain, Omega Red.

The list of materials section is easily the best part of the guide — very informative and contains pictures of each tool and material used in assembling the suits of armor. It’s quite an interesting read until you get to the meat of the guide, and that is how to actually construct the suits.

The instructions are waaaay to wordy and painfully lacking in step-by-step directions. At times I would ask myself: “What in the world is the guy rambling about?”

There are some pictures and diagrams that go along with the wordy instructions, but they all look oddly similar to one another! The diagrams in particular are badly drawn, confusing, and has very little detail.

On another somewhat positive note, the author provides a bunch of tips on making cash with your newly created Iron Man suit, and some of his suggestions are rather unique. Still, they don’t mean much, because his instructions are atrocious and therefore will not help you make the suit anyway.

DIY Iron Man Armor 4 Idiots is far, way, way far from the real deal and like the previous guide; I requested a refund and the author complied — took him a couple of days to reply though.

How to Make an Iron Man Helmet

Now this is the very first guide I bought. I decided not to go for a full suit guide initially because I wanted to test the waters first. At the time I figured that building an Iron Man helmet would be a whole lot simpler and if I was successful, I’d just go ahead and transition to making a full-blown Iron Man suit.

Unfortunately, ugh! The How to Make an Iron Man Helmet is such an appalling guide. The sales page promises a lot in order to reel you in, but the actual content of the guide delivers darn near nothing. The explanations in each step are far from clear and I struggled even more due to the lack of pictures.

Based on the claims of the sales page, I was expecting way more pictures to go with the instructions like, “Figure 1: Here’s how you make the face plate. Figure 2: Here’s how you build and insert the nose piece. Figure 3: Here’s how you connect the cheek guards that you just constructed.”

Instead, the author talks a bit about the face plate and then in the next step, all of a sudden you get a picture of the author connecting the face plate to the helmet!

The guy didn’t mention the face plate’s measurements, and didn’t walk you through the actual construction of the face plate. And that’s just one part of the helmet, mind you. There are many more lacking or missing details and pictures for the other parts.

When facing intricate procedures, a picture is worth a thousand near incomprehensible words, and trust me folks, the instructions in How to Make an Iron Man Helmet are darn near incomprehensible.

Overall, this as well as the other two guides stand as some of the worst DIY guides I’ve ever read. The only bright spot here is that — like the other Iron Man suit guides — I managed to get my money back , and the refund process was initiated within hours.

Look folks, if you’re really interested in assembling your own Iron Man suit, the guides found in the TIS package are absolute quality stuff and I wouldn’t hesitate to call them a must-have.

Oh don’t forget! Like the other guides, the TIS package also comes with a 60-day refund guarantee (the Iron Man helmet guide is good for 30 days only if I remember correctly) in case it doesn’t meet your expectations.

Grab the TIS package right here

Okay, I’m through talking about building Iron Man suits. Now, I would like to unleash my inner nerdiness with regards to one of my favorite superheroes of all time.

Specifically, I would like to nerd-talk about my favorite Iron Man suits (appearance-wise), what I’d consider as the best suit upgrades, and what I believe are the most underrated and overrated suits.

My Favorite Iron Man Suits of Armor (In Terms of Aesthetics)


When you think Iron Man, this is the armor that comes to mind!

Neo Classic

To me, this is the most realistic armor. It looks big, heavy, and designed to protect the man inside it.

The Modular Suit

I loved the concept and the design even more so. To me it is still the most advanced looking Iron Man suit, and the lack of mouth gave it a menacing appearance.

I also really liked the “pants” look instead of the normal “underwear” look that most the suits (and superheroes in general) have.

War Machine

To me it always serves as a reminder where if Tony wants to kick the crap out of someone he can. Seeing this thing in issue #282 was just amazing. All the guns plus the dark grey scheme made it live up to its name!

Silver Centurion

The only thing I really disliked about this design was the helmet because it didn’t seem to have a neck. Otherwise I thought the new color and design were a very nice change, plus you could really see the difference in terms of power from the previous armor.

Heavy Metal Armor

This is the one from the XO Man-O-War crossover. I really thought the design was interesting, and this is what should have replaced the Modular instead of the piece of junk that did. It’s kind of a shame we never got a real chance to see what it could do.

Heroes Reborn

I know a lot of people didn’t like this suit, and I can see why, but I really dig it. It was nice to see something so out there, and I’m a fan of the smoke stacks unlike most others.

Grell Armor

I like the version without the tubes. I thought the busy appearance made it looked advanced, and was a fan of the shoulder pads and boots which strayed from the norm.

The Extremis Suit

I always liked this armor, as the faceplate moved back to the classic look. It gave Iron Man a very modern look and had something goofy that all good armors have — (roller skates, nozzle, or the SC’s hood) those funny little toes on his feet.

This armor was powerful and had a good array of weapons. I like it. Though, it was only drawn right by a small bunch of artists, notably McNiven — he brought it to life really well in Civil War.

Only problem: Its faceplate must have been pretty weak compared to the rest of the armor, heck even the Classic had a stronger one, as a lot of people somehowww... got it off?

The Mark III Suit from the First Iron Man Movie

The Mark III in the first flick gets better and better every time I look at it. This suit is what Tony Stark was using when he fought, Iron Monger.

In the first film there are also Silver Mark 02 suit and Metallic Grey Mark 01 suit. In the movie, the Mark II is the suit that Tony Stark first built upon his return from hostage captivity.

It’s the one that froze in mid-flight as he flew up in the stratosphere. Don’t confuse Iron Man’s Mark 2 suit with the silver metallic armor War Machine worn by Tony’s friend Jim Rhodes.

After the Red and Gold, this one is maybe the next popular Iron Man suit. The Mark 1 is the very first suit of armor Tony wore as Iron Man. It’s the one he built while in captivity.

Best Suit Upgrades

So which Iron Man suit was the best upgrade from the previous suit? For me, nothing beats the Silver Centurion for a pure, totally different, suit of armor upgrade.

It was the first really big change in Iron Man’s suit in almost 200 issues and included some of the biggest upgrades in the armor ever. Aside from the Silver Centurion, the post-Armor Wars Red-and-Gold is worth a mention as well.

Each of these suits made short work of opponents that their immediate predecessor had great trouble with. Let’s examine what each suit added:

Silver Centurion:

NEW: Pulse bolts, chameleon effect, six second force field

IMPROVED: Flight (now capable of entering space)

Layton Red-and-Gold:

NEW: Energy shield (left gauntlet), electromagnetic pulse, beta particle power supply, cybernetic probe

IMPROVED: Pulse bolts, propulsion speed

Another honorable mention would be the first Red and Gold suit which was a major improvement over the Golden Avenger suit. Its light weight made it faster and consumes less energy, therefore making it a lot easier on Tony’s heart.

Combat strength and capability also increased. It made taking down Mr. Doll who stopped Iron Man dead cold in their first encounter an absolute cinch. I believe that was the first major improvement and possibly the first modern Iron Man.

Most Underrated and Overrated Iron Man Suits

I’ll start with the underrated ones:

The Neo-Classic Suit

I always felt that this IronMan Suit (in both the Layton and JRJR-designed forms) from the second Michelinie/Layton run and Byrne run was rather underrated.

It was faster and more powerful than the Silver Centurion and it even had improved Pulse Bolts that could damage even Firepower’s armor.

During the Byrne run, it could make massive trenches with its repulsors and lift massive objects like nuclear reactors, without needing to plug itself into a large power source like what the Silver Centurion had to do in issue #204.

The Modular

To be truthful, I think this suit was the last time the suit was truly portrayed as powerful and an upgrade over the last armor. Plus the concept (which sadly Kaminski wasn’t around long enough to fully explore) was great.

It was really quite powerful as it was able to own Ultimo on its own and it never really seemed to have trouble running out of power.

Heroes Reborn

As I mentioned before, I know a lot of people hate it because of its aesthetics, but when you look at what it did, namely take on the Hulk (and it was technically still a prototype that hadn’t been used in years!), was able to churn out more power than the Mandarin’s (robot or not) rings and most likely been able to go toe-to-toe with Doom, I don’t think this armor really got credit for what it could do.

The NTU-150 Telepresence Suit

This one was fairly underrated. It had a lot of weapons built into it (even more so than the War Machine suit), the suit was the first Kaminski creation outside of the second Space Armor to make use of the pretty mean looking mouth-less helmet appearance.

According to the profile of the suit at the end of issue #290, it had a power supply 2 orders of magnitude greater than the Neo-Classic/Encephalo Remote armor in terms of energy storage, which could explain why this unmanned droid and the subsequent Modular suit never really had power issues.

I liked the NTU-150 due to all of the weapons it had and how it didn’t have a pilot inside to get killed as easily. That way it could afford to get impaled every issue.

Regardless of its durability it did look amazingly tough in terms of appearance. Without a mouth slit and with those guns, it was like a Red and Gold War Machine!

The S.K.I.N. Suit

Energy sword and liquid metal make this one of the most innovative armors yet. Too bad it came to life under the hands of Grant and Teri. Under better guidance, I think this Iron Man suit really could have shined.

If I remember correctly it had a cloaking ability (which was a huge power drain), an energy blade that came out of the gauntlet, smart bombs/probes that could float around and collect data, and a unibeam capable of storing the liquid skin plus absorbing energy (which could then be fired back out).

Of course, there was also the S.K.I.N itself which was introduced during Quesada’s run (I think), but wasn’t actually utilized in the suit until Tieri’s Hogan Potts story. It was some sort of programmable liquid metal on par with Adamantium, I think, in terms of strength.

Tony was investing in the company creating it and then decided to use it in the armor he was building to replace the suit that went sentient. It would flow out of the unibeam and cover the black bodysuit portions of the suit.

Oh yeah, it was gold, too, so it didn’t mess up the old color scheme. That’s actually all I remember about the suit except that the reason they dropped it was because supposedly, the S.K.I.N technology in it was compromised by Ultron (Yeah, sure! Grell just wanted an excuse to have his own suit.)

Speaking of Grell’s suit, I said earlier that I liked its aesthetics but when it comes to capabilities, this one’s a little hard to describe.

Part of the reason people had so many quibbles with it was because no one knew what it was capable of — Grell never felt it was necessary to describe it or when or why Tony built it (except for that S.K.I.N compromising garbage).

We do know that rocket launchers seemed to have an effect upon it and that it wasn’t able to stay cool for long when inside a burning building.

Basically, it looked different (it had a scowling mouth which they’ve never gotten rid of) and seemed weaker than the previous suit.

Also the new abilities were lost — boot jets, repulsors, and all the regulars remained.

The overrated ones would be:

The Extremis Suit

This is my first choice of the most overrated Iron Man suit. It seemed like it was fast and powerful in the Execute Program arc, but then, it was the armor Tony wore in Civil War and from then on got his butt beat hideously by 90% of the Marvel Universe in that suit.

Everyone on the internet seems to think that it was the greatest suit Tony ever wore, yet we see the suit stopped by Spider-Man’s webbing, ripped to pieces by She-Hulk, and even damaged by Captain America and Bucky.

In the Extremis suit, I’ve seen Tony lose his facemask so many times it’s pathetic. It just makes me wonder if Tony uses rubber bands as an adhesive these days.

Really, other than speed and tapping into the nuclear reactors, there has been nothing about this suit that shows it is advanced, and frankly, I was far more impressed with even what the Silver Centurion and Neo Classic can do over it.

For all the supposed advantages of being plugged right into the suit, it never once showed.

World War Hulk Hulkbuster Suit

This suit is somewhat overrated, as it failed to kill the Hulk! When the writers had Tony cobbling this suit of Amor together at the last moment, I knew they had no clue about the character.

If he launched the Hulk into space he’d sure as hell have armor ready in case he returned, if not, built already when he got him into the spaceship. Of course there were some many things wrong with Marvels Hulk hard-on, it’s just plain ridiculous.

You know what? I’ve never understood Marvels fascination with all the other “Buster” armors. Creating a suit of armor just so you can get into a toe-to-toe slugging match with the Hulk is just stupid.

That’s fighting him on his level and he has too much experience at it! You beat the Hulk by using tactics that negate his strength, not play into it! Tony didn’t have to grapple with the Hulk to deliver those nanites, he could’ve simply sniped him with a dart.

And the “ThorBuster”? Thor had every right to be furious with Tony about it!

In fact, the other Avengers should have been shocked and outraged that Tony would not only create an armor designed specifically to beat a teammate, but that he also lied to Thor to get the power source for it from him.

Sometimes they take Tony’s paranoia too far. ..

Now back to the Hulk…okay, don’t get me wrong here. I’m not advocating vaporizing the Hulk. I’m just pointing out that Tony could’ve developed more efficient ways of getting those nanites into the Hulk’s system than to get into a literally blockbuster battle with the Hulk.

Besides Tony (when he’s in his right mind), won’t kill. Sure, Thor was in the wrong. But that doesn’t justify how Tony went about getting that gemstone. He also didn’t really need a ThorBuster either.

There was an issue of the Avengers in the early ‘80’s (I don’t recall which one), when Thor was under Moondragon’s influence and he tried to kill the Avengers with one of his super-duper lightning bolts.

But Tony (in his model 4 armor no less) absorbed most of the bolt, and then promptly belted Thor with a punch that knocked him through half a dozen marble columns.

If he could do that with that old suit, then I would imagine that the model 21 armor he was wearing by then would have been even more capable of doing that.

Should You Buy Up Iron Man Comics Because of the Films?

It’s obvious. Comic book buyers, sellers and collectors have caught Iron Man fever. All of this has been launched by the tremendous buzz that has been generated by the Iron Man movies. Each installment has received mostly positive reviews.

And this buzz and publicity has driven demand for all Iron Man back issue comic books — especially the Silver age Iron Man comics — through the roof. In particular, Iron Man comics from between 1956 and 1969 are smoking hot on eBay.

The Tales of Suspense issues as well as the Iron Man comics have seen a resurgence. A high number of bids have been placed and some record prices have been gotten.

The fact that the films showcase outstanding acting talent, special effects, and lots of action is a key factor in the price rise and demand also. I like all three movies, though the first one will always be my favorite.

Anyway, comic book buyers seem to be most attracted to Iron Man #1 from 1968 and issues #1 through #6 of the Volume 4 comics by Warren Ellis. Because of the movies’ success, these comics are really taking off in value.

However, it’s very important to be cautious. Hype or buying frenzy just about always occurs when comic superhero movies come out. To tell a poor joke: “I’ve seen this movie before.”

The same thing happened with Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-Men and all the rest. Comic buyers jump on the bandwagon and bump up copies of these comics so as not to miss out on a “potentially valuable investment”….only to be disappointed later when prices level off or decline in value.

Yes, it’s perfectly okay to start buying up Iron Man comics for your personal enjoyment. If you’re buying them as an investment, make sure you have a way to cash in on them later should they begin to tank in value.

All right guys, I’m done unleashing my inner nerdiness about the Iron Man. I’m out! Thanks for reading up to this point and good luck with making that Iron Man suit!

